For the last three years, Ron and I had been planning to go to High Prairie Alberta to be with our son Marvin for a visit. This year I made it, not with Ron, but he is here in spirit with us. Another great present this year was when I was notified that my brother in law's cancer could possibly be erased or what ever it is they call it.
I left from Brandon on the grey hound bus at 12:00 noon on the 22 and ended up at Edmonton at 5:30 in the morning. Thank goodness Marvin was waiting for me. It was the longest trip I had ever taken by bus. That does not mean that I didn't enjoy it, I certainly did, but my butt already in pain before I left was in serious condition by the time I got there.
A complicated trip I have been thinking. From Brandon we journyed trough the Riding Mountain National Park where the bus I was riding on had a car ram it. I don't know if the guy had stopped at the stop sign. I was watching a deer on the hill beside the bus and something made me look to the other side and to my horror I watch this car drive on to the road right in front of the bus. That poor car sure had the side of it wiped out. The bus's headlights were smashed and the windshield was cracked. Fun Fun fun. We arrived in Yorkton about 3/4 of an hour late. No stop over there.
From there we had to go to Saskatoon and change buses again. Lordy lordy. This time the bus brought me right into Edmonton. I know now how to pack when riding the bus. So going back I am going to have less to take me on the bus. The battery in the laptop does not last the whole journey, so I am not even going to try and watch a movie and when there is someone else in the seat beside me there is not room to pulll it out to use. I'll just back to the good old standbye, a book. 22 hours sitting is not good either so every chance I got I stood and stretched. Naturally some of the riders thought I was weird from the looks I received. Oh well, who cares about that, this was me, not them.
My son is a darling, and he treats me like a queen, how much more can a humbled person (such as me) take. I am going to lap every bit of it up. His place is neat although a bit cool, but I can take it.
We did a bit of shopping at Staples. they had some great sales on. Terrific ones in fact. Then we went to Candis place where we had something to eat and I met her three boys. Sweet, ambuncious and so tidy, made me think back to my boys who were so messy.
The easiest way for anyone to get to know me is to tell you. I also want this to be a site where my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren can go to learn about their parents and grandparents. For some reason this is important to me, as I want my friends, present and future family members to know what their grandparents and their past was like.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Farm Work
Living on the farm we had a lot of chores to do as there more than one or two persons could handle. I know that quite a few of you lived in either the city or in a town or village and perhaps didn't have a whole lot of chores.
One such chore that fell on my shoulders was cleaning out the chicken house. Every Saturday I had to clean that pesky old chicken house or the hen house as my mother used to call it. The chickens cackled and fluttered and made a wild dash for the outdoors. Our chickens were what they would now a days call free range chickens. Well in those younger years of mine, it was only natural that chickens be outside, feeding themselves with what ever they could find. At night we chased them all inside to keep them from any predators that might be slinking around. It was done so often, those chickens knew what to do and where to go. Brown eggs were a norm on the farm. Dark egg yokes were frequent and when that happened, we knew the hen had been outside eating the grass.
Chickens are cannibals, they will eat anything, their just like goats in a way, if they can eat it they will. Chickens will eat other chickens if left to their own devices. Mom and Dad used to buy a lot of oyster shells for them to keep the egg shells hard, if the shells were soft, it simply meant the chickens were not getting enough calcium.
During the day chicken hawks, (as we used to call them) frequented the barn yard. Quite often when we went out to the barn yard, there would be a hawk or two flying around. Every once in a while, as I was cleaning that stinky old hen house, one would try and enter into the building, pesky things they were.
Chicken manure is worse than cow or pig as far as I am concerned. The ammonia is much stronger and besides that, there were little tiny red mites that you had to be careful of. It seemed that these mites were quite common with chickens. Mom or Dad would spray the chicken house every once in a while to kill those mites. Scrape, shovel and load on the wheel barrow, carry it over to where ever it was that I was suppose to take it, sometimes there were six or seven loads to take. Not an easy job. Today it would poop me out with the shovelling, never mind pushing the wheelbarrow.
There were roosters among those chickens, and I loved to tease them. Along with the roosters, there were ganders, drakes and goats. With time on our hands, mine in particular, I would try and imitate these creatures. I actually didn't do to bad in that area as those poor creatures used to chase me around the farm yard when I did it. Every so often though they would get the best of me. In that event, up onto the top of what was called the tractor shed I would scramble out of there angry clutches. My mother had to rescue me a number of times from up there. If she only knew why I was up there in the first place she would have probably told me to stay up there as it was my own fault and figure out how to get down or give me a "talking to" as she would have put it.
Now that billy goat was another matter, he didn't like me milking the nanny goat and I didn't like milking her either. Have you ever tried to milk a nanny goat? You had to milk her from her rear, not from the side. It was actually real funny to watch mother milk her Mother usually did the milking as that old goat never bothered her. (You had to know my mother) It got where Mother had to milk the nanny because when that old billy goat saw any of us kids try to milk her he got quite upset, which is where we landed trying to get away from him. I don't even remember why we had goats in the first place.
I loved teasing the chickens, I would softly cluck at them when picking the eggs and those hens would answer back.
There was a trick to gathering eggs, you had to move slow, be gentle and talk quietly. Hens don't like noise or sudden movements. You slid your hand underneath the chicken from behind to get the eggs. If you did it from any other direction or did it fast she became quite upset. If the chicken started clucking, (her clucking was different from normal tones ) you knew she was sitting on a clutch of eggs getting ready to hatch them. She was then called a brooder. hatching her own eggs. Once in a while you saw that old rooster strutting his stuff and you knew a poor hen would be getting hit on. That hen usually became a brooder.
Now as I mentioned there were other creatures on the farm and that old gander really didn't like me at all. He took quite an offence with me trying to imitate him. So between the rooster, the goat and the gander, guess where I was quite a bit of the time. Yup, on the tractor shed roof. Let me tell you a bite from the gander hurts worse than a peck from the rooster.
We all learned how to make our chores fun and we would make games up to see who could finish first or make other games of the chores. I think back to those days and at times, wish I had the freedom I had then. I can certainly attest to that fact, even though I complained, bitterly at times, of the chores that we kids had to do. Really, in the long run, it didn't hurt us one bit. It taught us responsibility.
One such chore that fell on my shoulders was cleaning out the chicken house. Every Saturday I had to clean that pesky old chicken house or the hen house as my mother used to call it. The chickens cackled and fluttered and made a wild dash for the outdoors. Our chickens were what they would now a days call free range chickens. Well in those younger years of mine, it was only natural that chickens be outside, feeding themselves with what ever they could find. At night we chased them all inside to keep them from any predators that might be slinking around. It was done so often, those chickens knew what to do and where to go. Brown eggs were a norm on the farm. Dark egg yokes were frequent and when that happened, we knew the hen had been outside eating the grass.
Chickens are cannibals, they will eat anything, their just like goats in a way, if they can eat it they will. Chickens will eat other chickens if left to their own devices. Mom and Dad used to buy a lot of oyster shells for them to keep the egg shells hard, if the shells were soft, it simply meant the chickens were not getting enough calcium.
During the day chicken hawks, (as we used to call them) frequented the barn yard. Quite often when we went out to the barn yard, there would be a hawk or two flying around. Every once in a while, as I was cleaning that stinky old hen house, one would try and enter into the building, pesky things they were.
Chicken manure is worse than cow or pig as far as I am concerned. The ammonia is much stronger and besides that, there were little tiny red mites that you had to be careful of. It seemed that these mites were quite common with chickens. Mom or Dad would spray the chicken house every once in a while to kill those mites. Scrape, shovel and load on the wheel barrow, carry it over to where ever it was that I was suppose to take it, sometimes there were six or seven loads to take. Not an easy job. Today it would poop me out with the shovelling, never mind pushing the wheelbarrow.
There were roosters among those chickens, and I loved to tease them. Along with the roosters, there were ganders, drakes and goats. With time on our hands, mine in particular, I would try and imitate these creatures. I actually didn't do to bad in that area as those poor creatures used to chase me around the farm yard when I did it. Every so often though they would get the best of me. In that event, up onto the top of what was called the tractor shed I would scramble out of there angry clutches. My mother had to rescue me a number of times from up there. If she only knew why I was up there in the first place she would have probably told me to stay up there as it was my own fault and figure out how to get down or give me a "talking to" as she would have put it.
Now that billy goat was another matter, he didn't like me milking the nanny goat and I didn't like milking her either. Have you ever tried to milk a nanny goat? You had to milk her from her rear, not from the side. It was actually real funny to watch mother milk her Mother usually did the milking as that old goat never bothered her. (You had to know my mother) It got where Mother had to milk the nanny because when that old billy goat saw any of us kids try to milk her he got quite upset, which is where we landed trying to get away from him. I don't even remember why we had goats in the first place.
I loved teasing the chickens, I would softly cluck at them when picking the eggs and those hens would answer back.
There was a trick to gathering eggs, you had to move slow, be gentle and talk quietly. Hens don't like noise or sudden movements. You slid your hand underneath the chicken from behind to get the eggs. If you did it from any other direction or did it fast she became quite upset. If the chicken started clucking, (her clucking was different from normal tones ) you knew she was sitting on a clutch of eggs getting ready to hatch them. She was then called a brooder. hatching her own eggs. Once in a while you saw that old rooster strutting his stuff and you knew a poor hen would be getting hit on. That hen usually became a brooder.
Now as I mentioned there were other creatures on the farm and that old gander really didn't like me at all. He took quite an offence with me trying to imitate him. So between the rooster, the goat and the gander, guess where I was quite a bit of the time. Yup, on the tractor shed roof. Let me tell you a bite from the gander hurts worse than a peck from the rooster.
We all learned how to make our chores fun and we would make games up to see who could finish first or make other games of the chores. I think back to those days and at times, wish I had the freedom I had then. I can certainly attest to that fact, even though I complained, bitterly at times, of the chores that we kids had to do. Really, in the long run, it didn't hurt us one bit. It taught us responsibility.
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Past
The family had Thanksgiving on Sunday this year over at my son's place. It was hard for me being there, as I sure missed Ron at this occasion. This brings back some memories about long ago. 64 years in fact. Even before I was married.
The family was talking about when they first started school as there were some little ones there and about how soon they would be starting school. In fact, a 4 year old is in nursery school. Well I never attended nursery school or even kindergarten but I did start school when I was 4 years old. Gowancroft school in 1946 was in danger of folding as there were not enough children to keep it open. Or it was thought that it couldn't be kept open. The solution was that I would start school at the tender age of 4, straight into grade one. How well I still remember that first day of school.
Front seat, side row, terrified out of my tree. The teacher kept looking at me and it took me a few years to understand that she didn't have a clue as to what she could teach me at that age. She ended up giving me pictures to colour and to cut out. I believe that's how I spent my first day at school. Sure learned at lot.
As time went on I learned to print and count numbers. Years past and I ended up doing grade 4 or grade 6, (it was one or the other) another year, in order to put me into the right "grade". But I never really did great in school. My spelling started out with 100% and each time I write an exam my grade slowly kept coming down. Art was another topic we did and the teacher told me my imagination was putting too much into the pictures I was drawing. I had to learn to do just what was wanted and no more. How I struggled with that.
School was hard for me, I struggled throughout my school years just to make a 50% grade. It sure was different in college though. I did much better then. I finished my grade ten (10) and then I went in for LPN. I did graduate but didn't pass the grade, so go figure out how I could graduate and not make it as an LPN. From there, I did a lot of being a waitress as well as worked in a private nursing home.
I met my husband while I was taking my training, but it was a good year later when I met him again and then we became engaged. One of the best decisions of my life. He was one of a kind. About twelve years or so after we were married, both of went and received our G.E.D.
Three children later, I returned to college and took secretarial and was offered a job in the Provincial Building. I have learned many skills during my life time. Let's start from the beginning.
1. Took the LPN training
2. Nursing home (private) in Killarney
3. Waitress in Killarney
4. Worked in the laundry in Winnipeg on the irons
5. Hostess for Champs or what is known as Kentucky Fried Chicken now a days on Maryland Ave.
6. Worked as waitress in Maryland Hotel, Westward Hotel, and the Village Inn.
7. Went to work at the Souris hotel restaurant and then in the bar (so I could have Sundays off to be with the family.)
8. Joined Toastmistress, (was also called International Training in Communication and is now known as Power Talk)
9. Learned leadership skills, speaking in public, and much more.
10. Wrote and took pictures for the Brandon Sun for both feature and news articles.
11. Wrote local column for local papers, Souris Plaindealer, Boissevain Recorder and at that time, the Deloraine Star.
12. Generations (an insert of the Brandon Sun)
13. Grain News, wrote feature stories and photographs.
14. Wrote and had published numerous poems taking second place in a couple of places.
15. Did a demo record with my song.
16. Spoke at numerous places
17. At ITC (International Training in Communication) club level, I held President, secretary, treasurer, Vice president and numerous committee chairs.
18. At Council level I also held President and Secretary positions and numerous committee chairs.
a) Speech Contest
b) Writing Contest
c) Accreditation Chair
d) Membership Chair
c) and more
19. Sat on the Village of Elgin Village Board
20. Resource Coordinator for a Senior Group
21. Sitting on the Assiniboine Regional Health Board District Advisory Committee (15 year member)
22. Sitting on the board for the local Economic Development Board.
23. Marriage Commissioner (performs weddings)
24. Telemarketer
25. Sales
26. Raised three children, one who is hearing impaired, grandmother of seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
27. Driven a school bus
28. Moderately proficient on the computer.
29. Volunteer for the Elgin and Area Lions
a) President, vice, secretary and committee chairs.
30. Zone chair for the 5m13 Lions of which Elgin club is a member.
31. Was with the Legion Ladies Auxiliary and held officer position.
32. Was zone chair for the Legion Ladies Auxiliary for 2 years as well as zone secretary for 2 years.
33. For hobbies I used to collect stamps, now it's lapel pins and buttons.
34. What kind I say after 68 years of living, of course there is more here than meets the eye.
Now I am retired and cleaning out the house, I certainly don't need all this stuff I have here around me. Time to clean it out. Anyone for yard sales or auctions?
The family was talking about when they first started school as there were some little ones there and about how soon they would be starting school. In fact, a 4 year old is in nursery school. Well I never attended nursery school or even kindergarten but I did start school when I was 4 years old. Gowancroft school in 1946 was in danger of folding as there were not enough children to keep it open. Or it was thought that it couldn't be kept open. The solution was that I would start school at the tender age of 4, straight into grade one. How well I still remember that first day of school.
Front seat, side row, terrified out of my tree. The teacher kept looking at me and it took me a few years to understand that she didn't have a clue as to what she could teach me at that age. She ended up giving me pictures to colour and to cut out. I believe that's how I spent my first day at school. Sure learned at lot.
As time went on I learned to print and count numbers. Years past and I ended up doing grade 4 or grade 6, (it was one or the other) another year, in order to put me into the right "grade". But I never really did great in school. My spelling started out with 100% and each time I write an exam my grade slowly kept coming down. Art was another topic we did and the teacher told me my imagination was putting too much into the pictures I was drawing. I had to learn to do just what was wanted and no more. How I struggled with that.
School was hard for me, I struggled throughout my school years just to make a 50% grade. It sure was different in college though. I did much better then. I finished my grade ten (10) and then I went in for LPN. I did graduate but didn't pass the grade, so go figure out how I could graduate and not make it as an LPN. From there, I did a lot of being a waitress as well as worked in a private nursing home.
I met my husband while I was taking my training, but it was a good year later when I met him again and then we became engaged. One of the best decisions of my life. He was one of a kind. About twelve years or so after we were married, both of went and received our G.E.D.
Three children later, I returned to college and took secretarial and was offered a job in the Provincial Building. I have learned many skills during my life time. Let's start from the beginning.
1. Took the LPN training
2. Nursing home (private) in Killarney
3. Waitress in Killarney
4. Worked in the laundry in Winnipeg on the irons
5. Hostess for Champs or what is known as Kentucky Fried Chicken now a days on Maryland Ave.
6. Worked as waitress in Maryland Hotel, Westward Hotel, and the Village Inn.
7. Went to work at the Souris hotel restaurant and then in the bar (so I could have Sundays off to be with the family.)
8. Joined Toastmistress, (was also called International Training in Communication and is now known as Power Talk)
9. Learned leadership skills, speaking in public, and much more.
10. Wrote and took pictures for the Brandon Sun for both feature and news articles.
11. Wrote local column for local papers, Souris Plaindealer, Boissevain Recorder and at that time, the Deloraine Star.
12. Generations (an insert of the Brandon Sun)
13. Grain News, wrote feature stories and photographs.
14. Wrote and had published numerous poems taking second place in a couple of places.
15. Did a demo record with my song.
16. Spoke at numerous places
17. At ITC (International Training in Communication) club level, I held President, secretary, treasurer, Vice president and numerous committee chairs.
18. At Council level I also held President and Secretary positions and numerous committee chairs.
a) Speech Contest
b) Writing Contest
c) Accreditation Chair
d) Membership Chair
c) and more
19. Sat on the Village of Elgin Village Board
20. Resource Coordinator for a Senior Group
21. Sitting on the Assiniboine Regional Health Board District Advisory Committee (15 year member)
22. Sitting on the board for the local Economic Development Board.
23. Marriage Commissioner (performs weddings)
24. Telemarketer
25. Sales
26. Raised three children, one who is hearing impaired, grandmother of seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
27. Driven a school bus
28. Moderately proficient on the computer.
29. Volunteer for the Elgin and Area Lions
a) President, vice, secretary and committee chairs.
30. Zone chair for the 5m13 Lions of which Elgin club is a member.
31. Was with the Legion Ladies Auxiliary and held officer position.
32. Was zone chair for the Legion Ladies Auxiliary for 2 years as well as zone secretary for 2 years.
33. For hobbies I used to collect stamps, now it's lapel pins and buttons.
34. What kind I say after 68 years of living, of course there is more here than meets the eye.
Now I am retired and cleaning out the house, I certainly don't need all this stuff I have here around me. Time to clean it out. Anyone for yard sales or auctions?
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Old Ice House
It was funny and yet it was serious, at least at the time it all happened. It concerned the old ice house with the big earthen pit and the huge bricks of ice that were occasionally put down in the hole to keep everything cool. We didn't have a fridge as of yet in the house and the put was used to keep the dairy products, meat and other perishable items from spoiling. In the summer time, we children used to use the building as a play area.
Mother and Father used to ship cream in cream cans and it was here that the cream as well as the eggs were kept until it was time to ship it all to the creamery and wherever it was the eggs went. Well, somehow or the other, the door of the building had been kept open or he had dug his way in into the pit below the building. I suppose the skunk fell into the pit and couldn't get back out, but there is was busy feasting on the food that was down there.
When my father went out to the ice house to get our morning supply of cream, milk and butter, a bellow erupted from the interior of the ice house. a lively and heated discussion took place as to who was to blame, but the fact still stood that the skunk was down in the ice house pit and we were out of our dairy products for breakfast and a few days after.
Dad decided the only was to get the animal out of the pit was to shoot it. I could never figure out why he just didn't trap it. My mother was quite adamant that he not shoot the creature as it ruin the put when he did. In the end and after a period of waiting to see if the slunk would vacate, Dad shot it.
It was weeks before the pit was cleared and his clothing were irretrievable. It was soon after this that a brand new refrigerator was sitting in the corner of the kitchen.
That's all for today. Enjoy.
Mother and Father used to ship cream in cream cans and it was here that the cream as well as the eggs were kept until it was time to ship it all to the creamery and wherever it was the eggs went. Well, somehow or the other, the door of the building had been kept open or he had dug his way in into the pit below the building. I suppose the skunk fell into the pit and couldn't get back out, but there is was busy feasting on the food that was down there.
When my father went out to the ice house to get our morning supply of cream, milk and butter, a bellow erupted from the interior of the ice house. a lively and heated discussion took place as to who was to blame, but the fact still stood that the skunk was down in the ice house pit and we were out of our dairy products for breakfast and a few days after.
Dad decided the only was to get the animal out of the pit was to shoot it. I could never figure out why he just didn't trap it. My mother was quite adamant that he not shoot the creature as it ruin the put when he did. In the end and after a period of waiting to see if the slunk would vacate, Dad shot it.
It was weeks before the pit was cleared and his clothing were irretrievable. It was soon after this that a brand new refrigerator was sitting in the corner of the kitchen.
That's all for today. Enjoy.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Going To Grandma and Grandpa's
Once a month the family would gather at my Grandparent's home in La Riviere Manitoba. We would all gather there and have lively gab fests and terrific meals.
Each family had to bring an item or two to eat, as these meals were pot luck within a certain limit. I remember my mother and her sisters and my grandmother, discussing what each would bring for the next meal. This way the burden of feeding over 20 people at one time did not fall on just one persons shoulder.
My older sister, Yvonne remembers far more than I do on these trips but I will mention what I remember. I will leave her memories to herself. The earliest one I really remember is the year in which my Grandfather died. I was 8 years old at the time, (I checked back on the family tree for this). I remember thinking how cold his hands were, as he was in bed and apparently he didn't last too much longer after this. My parents insisted that I say hello and goodbye to my grandfather. To this day, all I can really remember were his cold hands.
In July of 1950 when grandfather died, my mother was with grandmother helping to look after him. She was on her way home when the steering wheel shaft broke or came undone, don't know which now, and she landed in the ditch. She was not hurt, but had some bruises and scratches. Someone was following her to tell her that her dad had died. It was definitely not a good day for my Mother. A person couldn't drive very fast in those old cars. She was driving one that was much older than the 50's.
Thereafter, as I mentioned, once a month we descended on my grandmothers' house. As I grew older and into my teens, my cousin and I would walk the sidewalks hoping to find boys. Alas we found none.
One time we went there after a tornado had hit the area. It was awful, sheep were stuck up in trees that had been bent and broken. Animal parts hung on the barb wired fence and machinery was upside down, and buildings were tossed far away from where they should have been. We learned first hand as to what a tornado can do. Another time, we walked the railroad track into La Riviere because there was a flood. The only time I remember # 3 highway was every flooded. As I crossed over the railway track I became terrified as I watched the roiling and boiling water down below me through the cracks in the tracks. Almost lost my shoes if I remember right.
Thinking back, those days at my grandmothers, drew all of the family closer together more than at any one time. After she moved into another home, we never did gather together and began loosing touch with everyone. There were over 20 over us that gathered together, swapping gossip and exchanging ideas and recipes and other tid bits. The language spoken was mainly french with the woman as that was what they spoke more easily than English. The men spoke English, as there was a mixture of Flemish and french and English among them. Mom and Dad used to argue with each other about speaking their other language instead of English as Dad nor Mom could barely understand each other's language. Wish they had taught us their language as we were growing up.
Meals were eaten in shifts with the men usually eating first. The the children in the second shift and the men were then suppose to look after the kids while the women ate and cleaned up. I never in all the times we went ever saw one of the men help with the clean up. They never knew what they missed during those cleanups after a meal. Now at a gathering, we feed the kids first to get them from under our feet.
Food was sumptuous and plentiful. Warm creamy mashed potatoes, roast beef or roast pork was served, or maybe it was chicken or a ham. Once in a while there was turkey to feast on. Butter drenched vegetables, just out of the garden or home canned, warm fresh home made bread or buns that had been kept warm in layers of towels on the way down. Desserts to dream about, from puddings to pies or maybe cakes that melted in your mouth.
I will continue this at a later date, as I have to go and licence this car so I have one to drive. Take care everyone and I will finish this another time.
Each family had to bring an item or two to eat, as these meals were pot luck within a certain limit. I remember my mother and her sisters and my grandmother, discussing what each would bring for the next meal. This way the burden of feeding over 20 people at one time did not fall on just one persons shoulder.
My older sister, Yvonne remembers far more than I do on these trips but I will mention what I remember. I will leave her memories to herself. The earliest one I really remember is the year in which my Grandfather died. I was 8 years old at the time, (I checked back on the family tree for this). I remember thinking how cold his hands were, as he was in bed and apparently he didn't last too much longer after this. My parents insisted that I say hello and goodbye to my grandfather. To this day, all I can really remember were his cold hands.
In July of 1950 when grandfather died, my mother was with grandmother helping to look after him. She was on her way home when the steering wheel shaft broke or came undone, don't know which now, and she landed in the ditch. She was not hurt, but had some bruises and scratches. Someone was following her to tell her that her dad had died. It was definitely not a good day for my Mother. A person couldn't drive very fast in those old cars. She was driving one that was much older than the 50's.
Thereafter, as I mentioned, once a month we descended on my grandmothers' house. As I grew older and into my teens, my cousin and I would walk the sidewalks hoping to find boys. Alas we found none.
One time we went there after a tornado had hit the area. It was awful, sheep were stuck up in trees that had been bent and broken. Animal parts hung on the barb wired fence and machinery was upside down, and buildings were tossed far away from where they should have been. We learned first hand as to what a tornado can do. Another time, we walked the railroad track into La Riviere because there was a flood. The only time I remember # 3 highway was every flooded. As I crossed over the railway track I became terrified as I watched the roiling and boiling water down below me through the cracks in the tracks. Almost lost my shoes if I remember right.
Thinking back, those days at my grandmothers, drew all of the family closer together more than at any one time. After she moved into another home, we never did gather together and began loosing touch with everyone. There were over 20 over us that gathered together, swapping gossip and exchanging ideas and recipes and other tid bits. The language spoken was mainly french with the woman as that was what they spoke more easily than English. The men spoke English, as there was a mixture of Flemish and french and English among them. Mom and Dad used to argue with each other about speaking their other language instead of English as Dad nor Mom could barely understand each other's language. Wish they had taught us their language as we were growing up.
Meals were eaten in shifts with the men usually eating first. The the children in the second shift and the men were then suppose to look after the kids while the women ate and cleaned up. I never in all the times we went ever saw one of the men help with the clean up. They never knew what they missed during those cleanups after a meal. Now at a gathering, we feed the kids first to get them from under our feet.
Food was sumptuous and plentiful. Warm creamy mashed potatoes, roast beef or roast pork was served, or maybe it was chicken or a ham. Once in a while there was turkey to feast on. Butter drenched vegetables, just out of the garden or home canned, warm fresh home made bread or buns that had been kept warm in layers of towels on the way down. Desserts to dream about, from puddings to pies or maybe cakes that melted in your mouth.
I will continue this at a later date, as I have to go and licence this car so I have one to drive. Take care everyone and I will finish this another time.
It Takes a Awhile To Let Go
Over the past few years, I have watched my husband struggle with his health and for a time he was able to keep things under control. But it didn't last. On Sept 1, 2010 he died peacefully beside me in his sleep.
His Doctor called him a walking miracle as he had high blood pressure, diabetes, congestive heart failure and more. I watched him in the last six months go down hill and take more and more pain killers. We always thought it was for his hip which was giving him trouble. It wasn't.
Three months ago he recieved a kit for to check for colon cancer. He fulfilled the tests and sent them in. A reply came back that a colonoscopy was to be done. As a matter of fact, a scope was done from top and bottom. Blood had been found in his stools. Nothing was found when the tests were completed but Ron began to feel more and more ill. He found his appetite decreasing and he couldn't eat because he couldn't keep the food down. He began to throw up more and more. Within a short time, he decided he had better go and see his Doctor, who prescribed some antibiotics as the Dr. thought he had contacted an infection. Ron began to have severe problems with throwing up, one of the medications he was given compounded it with side effects of the medications which said that a side effect was to throw up.
After two days of this Ron quit taking the medications and went in to see a Dr. at a walk in clinic. This Dr. took the medication away. He prescribed something else. It didn't work either. Two days later he went to another walk in Dr.
The walk in clinic was full that day and there was a number of people ahead of us. Ron was really feeling sick by this time. After waiting for over an hour, I went up to the desk and asked the receptionist if there was any way she get Ron in faster as he was threatening to leave so he could go and lay down. She asked me to wait a moment and went in to see a nurse, who called Ron into the nursing station to take his blood pressure. It was not good, and she went into see the walk in Dr. right away. Within a short period of time the Dr. came and took Ron and I into his office.
He took one look at Ron and told him that he needed to go to the hospital immediately. He suspected it was his gall bladder. Why did I not see the colour of Ron's skin? It was almost an orange yellow. To me it was a very sallow grey until the Dr. pointed out the colour. Of course, now I could see it.
The Dr. proceeded to do up all of the paperwork needed to admit Ron into the hospital. All Ron had to do was to show up which he did.
Ron told me that he might not leave the hospital. I told him that yes he would. A number of years ago his father died in the hospital with liver cancer and Ron had always held the view that he also would not live to a ripe old age. How right he was.
They did test after test after test and all they could find was a 3-5cm stone that had ended up in his stomach and a ripped tube from his gall bladder. It was sending out toxins into Ron's system and causing untold devastation. While he had been having some severe bouts of throwing up, he had forced the stone out of his gallbladder. This stone was blocking the entrance from his stomach into his intestine and causing him to throw up more also.
The first night he was in the hospital, they almost or did lose him. His kidneys and his liver had shut down. He revived and they began a series of tests. They were reluctant to give him anesthetic to take out the gall bladder because of his heart condition. His heart was twice the size of a normal heart and probably also had fluid around the heart as well.
They used a laser to blast the stone to pieces and then went back in later to see if it had all be gone. It wasn't, but they were able to fish out the piece that remained. Ron had not been able to eat anything up to now, he couldn't keep it down, so he had been fed with an intravenous and a liquid diet.
With tubes running from him in every direction, he was being kept under close observation. Eventually a shunt was put in to help drain the toxins from his liver and a catheter was put in to help monitor his liquid input and output. His yellow colour was slowly decreasing but not fast enough and the Dr. became concerned about that.
Eventually the tubes were coming out and he could begin to eat normal meals. He was anticipating his coming home. The Dr. had a final MRI done, this time from another direction. This test was the last one to be done. On Friday night, The Dr. told Ron to call in the family. That in itself as devastating news as usually the only time that is done when the news is not good.
The news was not good, he was told he had liver cancer and it was not operable. He could try cancer treatment but the results were not guaranteed. The family gathered and we tried to prepare for the worse. We weren't prepared at all for the news. He had from three weeks to six months to live. I cried and still crying as I write this. Why did such a wonderful gentle man have to die so early at the age of 67. We were going to celebrate our 50th anniversary in two years.
They put in a shunt going from his liver to his lower intestine so the toxins would continue to drain in the hope that it might extend the time he had left. He was sent home.
His friends and family rallied around him to give him the support he needed. He was surprised and humbled at the extent they showed their caring. We spent what time we could to start going through all of the business of our lives to put everything in my name. We only succeeded in a few items. One of the things we did together was to get the phone put in my name. We both made the call together, and had everything set up to be switched over on Sept 1. All that had to be done was to "pull a switck" so to say.
On Wednesday morning about 6:10 I arose and went to the bathroom as that is usually the first thing I have to do. I wandered back to the bedroom and automatically looked at Ron to see if had a comfortable night. I realized with sadness that he had died in his sleep. As I cried, I checked his pulse and his temperature. I then asked a friend that had been staying with us to check also which she did.
We needed help, but to our horror, the phone was out, we had no phone until I was reminded that I had a cell phone. The RCMP were called and arrived along with the ambulance shortly after. I would not let the ambulance workers in as Ron did not want to be resusitated. I eventually let one in to check and make sure my assumptions were correct. They were.
Eventually, after the RCMP and the ambulance crew notified him, the undertaker arrived. It was not easy watching my husband being carried away in one of those black bags. It tore my heart to pieces. During all this time MTS still had not connected my phone. After giving them a blast or two they did get it connected. They couldn't find the information that had been previously given to them. I suppose they since have found it.
I'm tempted to sue them.
The RCMP and ambulance crew were terrific and wonderful to me. I could not have asked for better courtesy from anyone. I give them an A+.
Then followed the phone calls that had to be made. I am sure we missed some people and for those people, I asked forgiveness, you were not forgotten, just missed.
Over 150 people attended his graveside funeral. It was unbelieveable. To date cards are still coming in.
I feel humbled and grateful for the condolences and thoughts of comfort arriving daily.
His Doctor called him a walking miracle as he had high blood pressure, diabetes, congestive heart failure and more. I watched him in the last six months go down hill and take more and more pain killers. We always thought it was for his hip which was giving him trouble. It wasn't.
Three months ago he recieved a kit for to check for colon cancer. He fulfilled the tests and sent them in. A reply came back that a colonoscopy was to be done. As a matter of fact, a scope was done from top and bottom. Blood had been found in his stools. Nothing was found when the tests were completed but Ron began to feel more and more ill. He found his appetite decreasing and he couldn't eat because he couldn't keep the food down. He began to throw up more and more. Within a short time, he decided he had better go and see his Doctor, who prescribed some antibiotics as the Dr. thought he had contacted an infection. Ron began to have severe problems with throwing up, one of the medications he was given compounded it with side effects of the medications which said that a side effect was to throw up.
After two days of this Ron quit taking the medications and went in to see a Dr. at a walk in clinic. This Dr. took the medication away. He prescribed something else. It didn't work either. Two days later he went to another walk in Dr.
The walk in clinic was full that day and there was a number of people ahead of us. Ron was really feeling sick by this time. After waiting for over an hour, I went up to the desk and asked the receptionist if there was any way she get Ron in faster as he was threatening to leave so he could go and lay down. She asked me to wait a moment and went in to see a nurse, who called Ron into the nursing station to take his blood pressure. It was not good, and she went into see the walk in Dr. right away. Within a short period of time the Dr. came and took Ron and I into his office.
He took one look at Ron and told him that he needed to go to the hospital immediately. He suspected it was his gall bladder. Why did I not see the colour of Ron's skin? It was almost an orange yellow. To me it was a very sallow grey until the Dr. pointed out the colour. Of course, now I could see it.
The Dr. proceeded to do up all of the paperwork needed to admit Ron into the hospital. All Ron had to do was to show up which he did.
Ron told me that he might not leave the hospital. I told him that yes he would. A number of years ago his father died in the hospital with liver cancer and Ron had always held the view that he also would not live to a ripe old age. How right he was.
They did test after test after test and all they could find was a 3-5cm stone that had ended up in his stomach and a ripped tube from his gall bladder. It was sending out toxins into Ron's system and causing untold devastation. While he had been having some severe bouts of throwing up, he had forced the stone out of his gallbladder. This stone was blocking the entrance from his stomach into his intestine and causing him to throw up more also.
The first night he was in the hospital, they almost or did lose him. His kidneys and his liver had shut down. He revived and they began a series of tests. They were reluctant to give him anesthetic to take out the gall bladder because of his heart condition. His heart was twice the size of a normal heart and probably also had fluid around the heart as well.
They used a laser to blast the stone to pieces and then went back in later to see if it had all be gone. It wasn't, but they were able to fish out the piece that remained. Ron had not been able to eat anything up to now, he couldn't keep it down, so he had been fed with an intravenous and a liquid diet.
With tubes running from him in every direction, he was being kept under close observation. Eventually a shunt was put in to help drain the toxins from his liver and a catheter was put in to help monitor his liquid input and output. His yellow colour was slowly decreasing but not fast enough and the Dr. became concerned about that.
Eventually the tubes were coming out and he could begin to eat normal meals. He was anticipating his coming home. The Dr. had a final MRI done, this time from another direction. This test was the last one to be done. On Friday night, The Dr. told Ron to call in the family. That in itself as devastating news as usually the only time that is done when the news is not good.
The news was not good, he was told he had liver cancer and it was not operable. He could try cancer treatment but the results were not guaranteed. The family gathered and we tried to prepare for the worse. We weren't prepared at all for the news. He had from three weeks to six months to live. I cried and still crying as I write this. Why did such a wonderful gentle man have to die so early at the age of 67. We were going to celebrate our 50th anniversary in two years.
They put in a shunt going from his liver to his lower intestine so the toxins would continue to drain in the hope that it might extend the time he had left. He was sent home.
His friends and family rallied around him to give him the support he needed. He was surprised and humbled at the extent they showed their caring. We spent what time we could to start going through all of the business of our lives to put everything in my name. We only succeeded in a few items. One of the things we did together was to get the phone put in my name. We both made the call together, and had everything set up to be switched over on Sept 1. All that had to be done was to "pull a switck" so to say.
On Wednesday morning about 6:10 I arose and went to the bathroom as that is usually the first thing I have to do. I wandered back to the bedroom and automatically looked at Ron to see if had a comfortable night. I realized with sadness that he had died in his sleep. As I cried, I checked his pulse and his temperature. I then asked a friend that had been staying with us to check also which she did.
We needed help, but to our horror, the phone was out, we had no phone until I was reminded that I had a cell phone. The RCMP were called and arrived along with the ambulance shortly after. I would not let the ambulance workers in as Ron did not want to be resusitated. I eventually let one in to check and make sure my assumptions were correct. They were.
Eventually, after the RCMP and the ambulance crew notified him, the undertaker arrived. It was not easy watching my husband being carried away in one of those black bags. It tore my heart to pieces. During all this time MTS still had not connected my phone. After giving them a blast or two they did get it connected. They couldn't find the information that had been previously given to them. I suppose they since have found it.
I'm tempted to sue them.
The RCMP and ambulance crew were terrific and wonderful to me. I could not have asked for better courtesy from anyone. I give them an A+.
Then followed the phone calls that had to be made. I am sure we missed some people and for those people, I asked forgiveness, you were not forgotten, just missed.
Over 150 people attended his graveside funeral. It was unbelieveable. To date cards are still coming in.
I feel humbled and grateful for the condolences and thoughts of comfort arriving daily.
Monday, August 9, 2010
I believe that finally after all these years I have finally found the answer to my feet pain. It is coming from my back. It only took umpteen years to discover that and I think I told the Dr.'s a time or two what I thought it was. Well now I am going to go to Physio therapy to start to strengthen the tummy and back muscles. Here's hoping it will help.
Sort of a mish mash today. A few days ago my grandson and I tackled some trees that needed trimming. A lesson learned. Years ago I had heat stroke and this year I learned my lesson once more. The day was not bad, around 23 or 24, bit of a breeze, but I guess I just went at it with too much vigor.
That evening when I was finished I went to see Ron in the hospital I felt sore but not to bad. I went to bed feeling like my gut had the crap kicked out of me. I took some tynol and went to sleep. I awoke with the wrenching gut pain where I had to run to make the bathroom in time. For three days I didn't eat, everything went through me like water, the fourth day, was somewhat better. Here's hoping. Lesson learned is to remember to have a cool shower or bath after working like that.
Sort of a mish mash today. A few days ago my grandson and I tackled some trees that needed trimming. A lesson learned. Years ago I had heat stroke and this year I learned my lesson once more. The day was not bad, around 23 or 24, bit of a breeze, but I guess I just went at it with too much vigor.
That evening when I was finished I went to see Ron in the hospital I felt sore but not to bad. I went to bed feeling like my gut had the crap kicked out of me. I took some tynol and went to sleep. I awoke with the wrenching gut pain where I had to run to make the bathroom in time. For three days I didn't eat, everything went through me like water, the fourth day, was somewhat better. Here's hoping. Lesson learned is to remember to have a cool shower or bath after working like that.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Sensation lost in My Feet
It all began with an annoying twitch on the right side of my right foot.
It felt like the muscles were tearing when I stretched my foot in any direction. The doctor didn't have an answer for me as to the cause. I wonder at times if they still don't. The years have past and yes, this condition has now been going on for almost 40 years and every year it is getting worse.
I could feel my legs getting more tired as each year went past and my feet getting more painful as well. I have been to a physiotherapist, reflexologist, had medications and none of it has helped with the cramping and the pain. I used to be able to lay with my feet in the air to get relief, but it also soon became a pipe dream.
It soon became horrible as I found I was able to walk less and less distance without haveing to stop and rest my legs and feet. Working as a waitress soon became a no no for me as well. In fact anything that had to do with walking and being on my feet for any length of time was impossible. Yes, I tried to learn how to cope with this over the years and in a sence I have learned how to work around it.
The symptoms are many. Here's the list and I shall go from start to now.
1. Muscles felt like they were being pulled and torn on my right foot.
2. Soon my left foot felt the same.
3. Next both my feet started to feel like they were numb.
4. Slowly the sensations began crawling up my legs.
5. Numbness started setting in on both my legs and feet.
6. The cramping started on both sides.
7. Eventually both legs became painful.
8. There is extreme pain if the soles of my feet are touched lightly.
9. There is circulation, it's been confirmed.
10. If feels like my feet are being twisted one way and then another and it is very painful when it does that.
11. I have the sensation that I am standing or walking on something, but cannot tell what it is.
12. I have torn nails off my toes and it never hurt, in fact, didn't even know I had done that until the next day.
13. I can no long enjoy site seeing, dancing or walking. Oh how I miss doing all that.
14. Now I am in constant pain a sharp, burning, twisting, cramping pain.
15. How do I cope? With the greatest of difficulties.
16. Finally had a MRI done on my back and found that I did have a protuding disk.
17. The nerves in my feet feel like they are dying. Is it possible it's coming from my back.
18. Another MRI done, and I am awaiting on the results.
I cannot walk a block unless I have to stop and rest before I venture back. I work a little and rest a little, walk a little, sit a little. At times I am despressed over the pain and frustrated at what I can and cannot do. Yes, I am on medication for depression and even the tyonel and tyonel 3 that I use is starting to become useless.
Most of my nights are broken with my feet and legs cramping so bad that I have to get back on my feet to get them to feel better. Sounds silly? I know it does. A topical medication does seem to help, so I am trying that. It does not work 100%, but it does help relax the muscles enough to let me sort of get to sleep.
Enough about my problems, I just had to get it off my chest and share the reasons as to why I don't do things I used to love doing. I have decided that if I have to, I will use a wheel chair. Danged if I am going to miss out on most of things happening in my life because my feet and legs give out. Maybe I might try a message therapist or an acupucturist. Haven't tried those yet.
God bless everyone and take care and blog to you again.
It felt like the muscles were tearing when I stretched my foot in any direction. The doctor didn't have an answer for me as to the cause. I wonder at times if they still don't. The years have past and yes, this condition has now been going on for almost 40 years and every year it is getting worse.
I could feel my legs getting more tired as each year went past and my feet getting more painful as well. I have been to a physiotherapist, reflexologist, had medications and none of it has helped with the cramping and the pain. I used to be able to lay with my feet in the air to get relief, but it also soon became a pipe dream.
It soon became horrible as I found I was able to walk less and less distance without haveing to stop and rest my legs and feet. Working as a waitress soon became a no no for me as well. In fact anything that had to do with walking and being on my feet for any length of time was impossible. Yes, I tried to learn how to cope with this over the years and in a sence I have learned how to work around it.
The symptoms are many. Here's the list and I shall go from start to now.
1. Muscles felt like they were being pulled and torn on my right foot.
2. Soon my left foot felt the same.
3. Next both my feet started to feel like they were numb.
4. Slowly the sensations began crawling up my legs.
5. Numbness started setting in on both my legs and feet.
6. The cramping started on both sides.
7. Eventually both legs became painful.
8. There is extreme pain if the soles of my feet are touched lightly.
9. There is circulation, it's been confirmed.
10. If feels like my feet are being twisted one way and then another and it is very painful when it does that.
11. I have the sensation that I am standing or walking on something, but cannot tell what it is.
12. I have torn nails off my toes and it never hurt, in fact, didn't even know I had done that until the next day.
13. I can no long enjoy site seeing, dancing or walking. Oh how I miss doing all that.
14. Now I am in constant pain a sharp, burning, twisting, cramping pain.
15. How do I cope? With the greatest of difficulties.
16. Finally had a MRI done on my back and found that I did have a protuding disk.
17. The nerves in my feet feel like they are dying. Is it possible it's coming from my back.
18. Another MRI done, and I am awaiting on the results.
I cannot walk a block unless I have to stop and rest before I venture back. I work a little and rest a little, walk a little, sit a little. At times I am despressed over the pain and frustrated at what I can and cannot do. Yes, I am on medication for depression and even the tyonel and tyonel 3 that I use is starting to become useless.
Most of my nights are broken with my feet and legs cramping so bad that I have to get back on my feet to get them to feel better. Sounds silly? I know it does. A topical medication does seem to help, so I am trying that. It does not work 100%, but it does help relax the muscles enough to let me sort of get to sleep.
Enough about my problems, I just had to get it off my chest and share the reasons as to why I don't do things I used to love doing. I have decided that if I have to, I will use a wheel chair. Danged if I am going to miss out on most of things happening in my life because my feet and legs give out. Maybe I might try a message therapist or an acupucturist. Haven't tried those yet.
God bless everyone and take care and blog to you again.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Don't Sweat Your Taxes
The wealthy understand the tax system or they hire someone else to look after their taxes.
I hope to be able to convince you that you will not only pay fewer taxes but perhaps none at all. This is to help you to not only understand partially how to use deductions to reduce your taxable income.
To help you understand how, I will attempt to keep the information in a simple format. The tax reducing strategies noted here can be used by almost anyone, will help to create some savings, and are understandable by almost everyone that reads this.
The amount of taxes paid has little to do with the total income and a lot to do with your knowledge on how to reduce the taxes. A good plan helps to decrease your taxes. You must be able to increase your disposable income by reducing your taxes legally.
Learn something about the system that can help you save on your taxes; it is amazingly easy to do. Often you may hear someone saying that what they are purchasing is a deduction. If you can't have a particular deduction the tax department will correct it and let you know that you can't have it. The most you could lose is a little interest on overdue tax if a deduction is disallowed. As long as you are not directly hiding your income or claiming for things that don’t' exist or relate, then you are not doing anything wrong. What is in this document has been used by thousands of Canadians every year to reduce the taxes they pay.
If you understand the terms of the tax system, it will help you to apply the principles within this document. Many people erroneously believe that if they earn more money, they can actually end up with less money. The tax system is graduated. It is true, the more you earn the more taxes you pay, but only a higher percentage from the portion that falls into the higher scale.
There is no better way to create tax deductions than to own your own business, small or home based business that is. I am going to deal more with starting a part time or full time home based business and what you can or cannot use as deductions.
A lot of the things that are considered personal property are claimed as deductions in a small business. A home based business can be either in one persons name or in multiple names. If there is more than one person in the business then each person is given a percentage of the business. It is recommended though that the business be registered, and yes, all of the expenses in doing so are tax deductible.
A car may become no longer a luxury but a necessity depending on what the business is. In this case then the appropriate insurance must be put on the vehicles that are used for the business. Here in Manitoba, you need to have the All purpose or business insurance to claim any deductions at all for your vehicles. Pleasure insurance will not be deductible. All the expenses for the vehicle, including interest on the loan payments, are a tax deduction. If the vehicle ends up being used only say 50% of the time for the business then only that portion may be used of any of the expenses.
Of course, receipts must be obtained for any expense that is going to be used as a deduction. No receipt, no deduction, it's as simple as that. Along with loan payment, interest rates there are also parking fees, washing fees, vehicle up keeping of any sort to keep it in tip top shape, including gas, oil, etc..
If you own your own home and turn an area or a room into an office, then either a percentage is used or number of rooms in the house is used. For example; if you have your office in the corner of a room, you have to figure out how many square feet of the house is used for your business purpose. For the calculations you can use the area or number of rooms of the work space, total area or rooms in the house. The percentage of the business portion will be the difference between the two calculations. I use one area and the number of rooms in my house is 7, so the area is divided by the number of rooms.
Here are some of the business uses of home expenses you can use:
• Heat
• Electricity (if you use electric heat then you would include it here)
• Other utilities
• House Insurance
• House Maintenance
• Mortgage Interest
• Property Taxes
• Other expenses and you must specify them here.
• Add this all up and if you use a tax program, it will help figure it out for you.
Motor vehicle expenses:
• Kilometres from the end of the previous year
• Kilometres from the beginning of the previous year. ( Only the kilometres used for business is used here)
• Fuel and oil
• Leasing costs
• Insurance
• Maintenance and repairs
• Interest paid on vehicle
Other Expenses:
• Credit card interest and fees
• TV
• Camera
• Magazine subscriptions/newspapers
• Office Supplies, i.e. stationary, pens, etc
• Computer
• Printer
• Office furniture
• Cleaning supplies
• Lawn mower, to keep your place of business neat and tide
• Snow blower, to make sure customers can get to your place of business.
• Any item of maintenance that is associated with equipment to maintain your place of business. (Remember that there will only be the percentage of any item that pertains to the business part.)
• Family members wages
Remember the expenses apply to only the business part of the vehicle. There may be certain conditions that apply to selling a vehicle or a home if it was for a business use. Such as dispositions or purchasing. Check with an accountant for this.
Statement of Business or Professional Activity
Start with the inventory which should be done at the beginning and the end of each year. Also remember to record the Kilometers of the vehicle(s) you are using.
Your gross business income is simply the amount that you have determined in your bookkeeping. Gross is the amount of money made before any expenses were made.
Inventory includes raw materials, goods in process of selling; the products needed to run your business. These are the purchases during the year minus returns, allowances and discounts. Don't forget any direct wage costs, subcontracts, etc that need to be kept tract of. You will finally then minus the closing inventory at the end of the year. This will actually give you the Gross profit that will be at the end of the year.
Expenses (And these are only the business part). (Personal expenses are not acceptable)
• Advertising, this includes any type of advertising you do where you spend money on it.
• Meals and entertainment. (Only 50% of this is used. The more meals and entertainment you use, the higher the 50% will be.)
• Bad debts. If you are not paid for the service or product supplied then all costs of such is a deduction.
• Insurance. A portion of the house insurance and all of the business insurance is deductible.
• Interest. This is applied to any business loans, mortgage interest, or any interest related to the business part.
• Business tax, fees, licences, dues, memberships.
• Office expenses. It is usually bundled together in here. In your own books, keep track of the different office expenses so you know where your money is going.
• Supplies can be related to cleaning supplies etc.
• Legal, accounting and other professional fees. If you use an accountant, a lawyer or any other fee that is for the business then it is deductible.
• Deposit box
• Management and administration fees.
• Rent. If you are renting your house, then figure out what the portion of the place you are using for the business. Only that part is useable.
• Maintenance and repairs, you will have costs in keeping everything in good shape. Again, only a portion is usable.
• Salaries, wages, and benefits you pay out.
• Property taxes. Only the business portion is useable.
• Travel is bundled together and includes travelling fees, accommodations, and allowable part of the meals. Keep your own track of these expenses so that you will know how your money is being spent.
• Telephone and Utilities. These are added together, but here again, keep track of them separately.
• Fuel costs except for motor vehicles. Things such as gas for snow blower, lawnmower, chain saws, etc.
• Delivery, freight and express. This could be where you claim your postal expenses as well as you may very well be using freight in your business.
If you have more than one home based business, then you can divide the expenses between them unless the expense specifically deals with one business.
Even if you use an accountant or a lawyer or a professional to do your taxes, use this information to help lower taxes. The person who does your books or your taxes will let you know if the receipt or expenses is allowable.
Save all your receipts, you just never know when it is useable.
The wealthy understand the tax system or they hire someone else to look after their taxes.
I hope to be able to convince you that you will not only pay fewer taxes but perhaps none at all. This is to help you to not only understand partially how to use deductions to reduce your taxable income.
To help you understand how, I will attempt to keep the information in a simple format. The tax reducing strategies noted here can be used by almost anyone, will help to create some savings, and are understandable by almost everyone that reads this.
The amount of taxes paid has little to do with the total income and a lot to do with your knowledge on how to reduce the taxes. A good plan helps to decrease your taxes. You must be able to increase your disposable income by reducing your taxes legally.
Learn something about the system that can help you save on your taxes; it is amazingly easy to do. Often you may hear someone saying that what they are purchasing is a deduction. If you can't have a particular deduction the tax department will correct it and let you know that you can't have it. The most you could lose is a little interest on overdue tax if a deduction is disallowed. As long as you are not directly hiding your income or claiming for things that don’t' exist or relate, then you are not doing anything wrong. What is in this document has been used by thousands of Canadians every year to reduce the taxes they pay.
If you understand the terms of the tax system, it will help you to apply the principles within this document. Many people erroneously believe that if they earn more money, they can actually end up with less money. The tax system is graduated. It is true, the more you earn the more taxes you pay, but only a higher percentage from the portion that falls into the higher scale.
There is no better way to create tax deductions than to own your own business, small or home based business that is. I am going to deal more with starting a part time or full time home based business and what you can or cannot use as deductions.
A lot of the things that are considered personal property are claimed as deductions in a small business. A home based business can be either in one persons name or in multiple names. If there is more than one person in the business then each person is given a percentage of the business. It is recommended though that the business be registered, and yes, all of the expenses in doing so are tax deductible.
A car may become no longer a luxury but a necessity depending on what the business is. In this case then the appropriate insurance must be put on the vehicles that are used for the business. Here in Manitoba, you need to have the All purpose or business insurance to claim any deductions at all for your vehicles. Pleasure insurance will not be deductible. All the expenses for the vehicle, including interest on the loan payments, are a tax deduction. If the vehicle ends up being used only say 50% of the time for the business then only that portion may be used of any of the expenses.
Of course, receipts must be obtained for any expense that is going to be used as a deduction. No receipt, no deduction, it's as simple as that. Along with loan payment, interest rates there are also parking fees, washing fees, vehicle up keeping of any sort to keep it in tip top shape, including gas, oil, etc..
If you own your own home and turn an area or a room into an office, then either a percentage is used or number of rooms in the house is used. For example; if you have your office in the corner of a room, you have to figure out how many square feet of the house is used for your business purpose. For the calculations you can use the area or number of rooms of the work space, total area or rooms in the house. The percentage of the business portion will be the difference between the two calculations. I use one area and the number of rooms in my house is 7, so the area is divided by the number of rooms.
Here are some of the business uses of home expenses you can use:
• Heat
• Electricity (if you use electric heat then you would include it here)
• Other utilities
• House Insurance
• House Maintenance
• Mortgage Interest
• Property Taxes
• Other expenses and you must specify them here.
• Add this all up and if you use a tax program, it will help figure it out for you.
Motor vehicle expenses:
• Kilometres from the end of the previous year
• Kilometres from the beginning of the previous year. ( Only the kilometres used for business is used here)
• Fuel and oil
• Leasing costs
• Insurance
• Maintenance and repairs
• Interest paid on vehicle
Other Expenses:
• Credit card interest and fees
• TV
• Camera
• Magazine subscriptions/newspapers
• Office Supplies, i.e. stationary, pens, etc
• Computer
• Printer
• Office furniture
• Cleaning supplies
• Lawn mower, to keep your place of business neat and tide
• Snow blower, to make sure customers can get to your place of business.
• Any item of maintenance that is associated with equipment to maintain your place of business. (Remember that there will only be the percentage of any item that pertains to the business part.)
• Family members wages
Remember the expenses apply to only the business part of the vehicle. There may be certain conditions that apply to selling a vehicle or a home if it was for a business use. Such as dispositions or purchasing. Check with an accountant for this.
Statement of Business or Professional Activity
Start with the inventory which should be done at the beginning and the end of each year. Also remember to record the Kilometers of the vehicle(s) you are using.
Your gross business income is simply the amount that you have determined in your bookkeeping. Gross is the amount of money made before any expenses were made.
Inventory includes raw materials, goods in process of selling; the products needed to run your business. These are the purchases during the year minus returns, allowances and discounts. Don't forget any direct wage costs, subcontracts, etc that need to be kept tract of. You will finally then minus the closing inventory at the end of the year. This will actually give you the Gross profit that will be at the end of the year.
Expenses (And these are only the business part). (Personal expenses are not acceptable)
• Advertising, this includes any type of advertising you do where you spend money on it.
• Meals and entertainment. (Only 50% of this is used. The more meals and entertainment you use, the higher the 50% will be.)
• Bad debts. If you are not paid for the service or product supplied then all costs of such is a deduction.
• Insurance. A portion of the house insurance and all of the business insurance is deductible.
• Interest. This is applied to any business loans, mortgage interest, or any interest related to the business part.
• Business tax, fees, licences, dues, memberships.
• Office expenses. It is usually bundled together in here. In your own books, keep track of the different office expenses so you know where your money is going.
• Supplies can be related to cleaning supplies etc.
• Legal, accounting and other professional fees. If you use an accountant, a lawyer or any other fee that is for the business then it is deductible.
• Deposit box
• Management and administration fees.
• Rent. If you are renting your house, then figure out what the portion of the place you are using for the business. Only that part is useable.
• Maintenance and repairs, you will have costs in keeping everything in good shape. Again, only a portion is usable.
• Salaries, wages, and benefits you pay out.
• Property taxes. Only the business portion is useable.
• Travel is bundled together and includes travelling fees, accommodations, and allowable part of the meals. Keep your own track of these expenses so that you will know how your money is being spent.
• Telephone and Utilities. These are added together, but here again, keep track of them separately.
• Fuel costs except for motor vehicles. Things such as gas for snow blower, lawnmower, chain saws, etc.
• Delivery, freight and express. This could be where you claim your postal expenses as well as you may very well be using freight in your business.
If you have more than one home based business, then you can divide the expenses between them unless the expense specifically deals with one business.
Even if you use an accountant or a lawyer or a professional to do your taxes, use this information to help lower taxes. The person who does your books or your taxes will let you know if the receipt or expenses is allowable.
Save all your receipts, you just never know when it is useable.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Weather and Yard Sales
It has become so exasperating. It seems that it doesn't matter what weekend is picked for the yard sales, it is not nice to us. For the last few years the Elgin and Area Lions have also been having their BBQ sale on the same weekend.
One weekend was so bad there was a dirt storm, not a dust storm, a dirt storm, the farmer just west of the village had decided to plow or seed or whatever his field. The wind that day came from the west. Everything and I mean everything, was covered in a layer of oily dirt. Where the oily part came from I don't have a clue, but it was hard to clean up as the duster wouldn't clean up all of it. A pail of warm soapy water had to follow the duster to make a good clean up.
I must say though that regardless of the wind and dirt, the Lions did have a fairly good BBQ sale. The community really did support it.
This year the weekend is not looking good again. We can only hope that our efforts will be well supported.
By the way, regardless of the weather, come out and join us and while here, look at the yard sales that will be available.
One weekend was so bad there was a dirt storm, not a dust storm, a dirt storm, the farmer just west of the village had decided to plow or seed or whatever his field. The wind that day came from the west. Everything and I mean everything, was covered in a layer of oily dirt. Where the oily part came from I don't have a clue, but it was hard to clean up as the duster wouldn't clean up all of it. A pail of warm soapy water had to follow the duster to make a good clean up.
I must say though that regardless of the wind and dirt, the Lions did have a fairly good BBQ sale. The community really did support it.
This year the weekend is not looking good again. We can only hope that our efforts will be well supported.
By the way, regardless of the weather, come out and join us and while here, look at the yard sales that will be available.
This is a topic that is on most peoples minds. That is a smokers mind. I am a previous smoker, and although I feel that everyone should quit now. I know this is not possible.
Here is Ron's and my story on how we quit smoking and I will stand behind this way of quiting because I know it works. It did for us. I must remind you though that it is a crutch and you have to work with it. But this crutch works silently along side of you as try to quit.
We smoked the last two cigarettes that we had, threw the empty package away and went into the place to have a laser treatment. Scary, I'd say, but it wasn't. At the time we went into to take the quit smoking treatment, it was a special of 2 for 1. What better time to quit. Ron was smoking two packs a day and I smoked one. But I honestly think that I was more addicted than him. The Doctor had told me I had to quit but I felt that unless both of us quit that was not going to happen. I just couldn't quit with a smoker in the house.
We went up the stairs and proceeded to take the treatment. We were warned that we should come back in a month to be retreated to make sure it stays working. However, we have never gone back.
Ron was working in Winnipeg at the time so our phone bills got rather high. We quit going to the places where we knew there was heavy smoking. Some of our friends smoked, and though we let them smoke in the house, we encouraged them to smoke outside. In time, the ash trays went into the garage after we moved to our new location.
We had been warned that we would become violently sick if we would try to have a smoke. During that time, my Dad had died and I did try to have a smoke and I did indeed get really sick. That was the last time I tried to smoke. I washed the curtains, the walls, the clothes, everything I could. It was amazing how much tobacco crap covered everything. My kitchen curtains had brown stains in exposed areas. Windows were covered with a brown film, even the front of the TV. I really couldn't believe how much film our smoking was putting on the items inside our house and cars until we had quit.
Would we do it again? We sure would. It was the best thing that we could have done for ourselves. We quit in around 1989 and we are still cigarette free. Now we can smell the horrible smell of tobacco on our hair and clothes, our sinuses burn and become aggravated when we are near anyone else that smokes.
There is a company in Brandon that does do laser, I found the phone number in the advertisement in the little paper that is put for your convenience at local restaurants.
You have a whole lot to lose by trying it. The high cost of tobacco, the need to have make sure you have cigarettes handy at all times and you will gain the sense of freedom in not having to worry about all of things that go along with smoking.
Here is Ron's and my story on how we quit smoking and I will stand behind this way of quiting because I know it works. It did for us. I must remind you though that it is a crutch and you have to work with it. But this crutch works silently along side of you as try to quit.
We smoked the last two cigarettes that we had, threw the empty package away and went into the place to have a laser treatment. Scary, I'd say, but it wasn't. At the time we went into to take the quit smoking treatment, it was a special of 2 for 1. What better time to quit. Ron was smoking two packs a day and I smoked one. But I honestly think that I was more addicted than him. The Doctor had told me I had to quit but I felt that unless both of us quit that was not going to happen. I just couldn't quit with a smoker in the house.
We went up the stairs and proceeded to take the treatment. We were warned that we should come back in a month to be retreated to make sure it stays working. However, we have never gone back.
Ron was working in Winnipeg at the time so our phone bills got rather high. We quit going to the places where we knew there was heavy smoking. Some of our friends smoked, and though we let them smoke in the house, we encouraged them to smoke outside. In time, the ash trays went into the garage after we moved to our new location.
We had been warned that we would become violently sick if we would try to have a smoke. During that time, my Dad had died and I did try to have a smoke and I did indeed get really sick. That was the last time I tried to smoke. I washed the curtains, the walls, the clothes, everything I could. It was amazing how much tobacco crap covered everything. My kitchen curtains had brown stains in exposed areas. Windows were covered with a brown film, even the front of the TV. I really couldn't believe how much film our smoking was putting on the items inside our house and cars until we had quit.
Would we do it again? We sure would. It was the best thing that we could have done for ourselves. We quit in around 1989 and we are still cigarette free. Now we can smell the horrible smell of tobacco on our hair and clothes, our sinuses burn and become aggravated when we are near anyone else that smokes.
There is a company in Brandon that does do laser, I found the phone number in the advertisement in the little paper that is put for your convenience at local restaurants.
You have a whole lot to lose by trying it. The high cost of tobacco, the need to have make sure you have cigarettes handy at all times and you will gain the sense of freedom in not having to worry about all of things that go along with smoking.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The Elgin and Area Lions
It's 2:15 am and I am still awake. It's so silly, last night I slept good, tonight I am not.
We were at our Lion's meeting tonight and it took longer than usual as there were elections tonight for the new officers and committee members. Looks like I am still Vice president and Ron is still President. I guess that's okay. Tonight the club members decided to help a family that lost everything they owned. I know the feeling. How? Well I can remember back when I was about 4, when our house burned to the ground and everything was lost. I suppose it didn't have the full impact as if it would happen now though. The club decided to give them a helping hand with some upfront money. Another chap needed help as he broke his leg and couldn't work, so he too got a bit from us.
The club is currently selling tickets on a BBQ pack. Tickets are $2.00 each. The tickets are going like wildfire, this is the third year we are selling them and they seem to be doing great. The Souris Lions are having their spring flea market in April and we will be having a table there to sell more tickets.
I was asked by the new District Governor to stay on as Zone Chair for our district and I said I would. However, I will be gaining 5 new clubs along with the three I currently have. This means I will be busier than usual. It's actually kind of fun, and it's really making me stretch my brain to come up with agendas for the three Zone meetings I need to hold. I do know I am going to try and keep it simple and short. All in the life of a Lion.
That's all for now, will write more another time. Take care.
We were at our Lion's meeting tonight and it took longer than usual as there were elections tonight for the new officers and committee members. Looks like I am still Vice president and Ron is still President. I guess that's okay. Tonight the club members decided to help a family that lost everything they owned. I know the feeling. How? Well I can remember back when I was about 4, when our house burned to the ground and everything was lost. I suppose it didn't have the full impact as if it would happen now though. The club decided to give them a helping hand with some upfront money. Another chap needed help as he broke his leg and couldn't work, so he too got a bit from us.
The club is currently selling tickets on a BBQ pack. Tickets are $2.00 each. The tickets are going like wildfire, this is the third year we are selling them and they seem to be doing great. The Souris Lions are having their spring flea market in April and we will be having a table there to sell more tickets.
I was asked by the new District Governor to stay on as Zone Chair for our district and I said I would. However, I will be gaining 5 new clubs along with the three I currently have. This means I will be busier than usual. It's actually kind of fun, and it's really making me stretch my brain to come up with agendas for the three Zone meetings I need to hold. I do know I am going to try and keep it simple and short. All in the life of a Lion.
That's all for now, will write more another time. Take care.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Our Baby
Yes at our age we do have a baby, a four footed furry baby. She came to us in a special way.
Just before Christmas in 2003, my sister-in-law phone us to ask if we could look after a stray kitten they had. It was Christmas morning when they brought her over, wet and miserable looking.
Here is her story.
I was cold and hungry and only about 6 months old. I needed help. A ladder was leaning up against a house and I climbed it. Then I saw a high chimney and felt heat coming from it. So I climbed it to get warm but in my haste to do so I fell down inside the chimney to the bottom. I meowed and meowed and meowed for what I felt was a long time. I couldn't lick myself clean as the stuff that coated my fur tasted awful. When I was finally found I was weak with hunger. I found myself being bathed and fed.
It wasn't until the next day after listening to the noise coming from the bottom of the chimney that investigating discovered a kitten and not birds as had been thought. She was covered in soot. A pitiful meow arose when she was bathed and it took three or four baths to get the soot off of her.
They couldn't keep her as their own cats would attack it and besides that they were going into Winnipeg to see their daughter so they needed someone to look after this little kitten.
Here is where we come into the picture. Christmas morning, we get a phone call asking us to look after a kitten as they couldn't leave it at home with the other cats. We said okay and along with the kitten came a litter box and food. She hid under our bed for the first three days only coming out to use the litter box or for something to eat. By the fourth day she was more secure with her surroundings and was coming out from under the bed more and more. By this time, Ron's brother had come back from Winnipeg. We received a phone call asking if we could keep the cat permanently. They would even pay for to get her spayed. I guess we fell for it.
One look at the kitten and she looked at us and we fell in love. Of course we said okay. It wasn't until later would we know how much this cat was going to cost us.
Her immune system was effected and she developed illnesses that we had to take drastic measures with it. Normally cats don't have a lot of trouble with their ears with mites but she has a constant battle with them. A bad strain of mites infected her ears and to get rid of them, the Vet bathed her once a week for four weeks in a solution of some kind. She hated it, but it did get rid of them. She then developed severe gingivitis and for awhile it was held at bay with a steroid solution. Four years later, we finally had to get all of her teeth out.
Did it help? Sure did, from a bit of fur and fluff she is now well and full of energy. However, she now had diabetes and get two shots a day of insulin. What does she give us in return? A welcome home everytime we go out. Lots of love and companionship.
Would we do it all again for her? Yes we would. She is our baby, our four legged furry friend and baby.
Because we got her at Christmas, she is named that. But we call her Chrissy, and the name suits her.
Just before Christmas in 2003, my sister-in-law phone us to ask if we could look after a stray kitten they had. It was Christmas morning when they brought her over, wet and miserable looking.
Here is her story.
I was cold and hungry and only about 6 months old. I needed help. A ladder was leaning up against a house and I climbed it. Then I saw a high chimney and felt heat coming from it. So I climbed it to get warm but in my haste to do so I fell down inside the chimney to the bottom. I meowed and meowed and meowed for what I felt was a long time. I couldn't lick myself clean as the stuff that coated my fur tasted awful. When I was finally found I was weak with hunger. I found myself being bathed and fed.
It wasn't until the next day after listening to the noise coming from the bottom of the chimney that investigating discovered a kitten and not birds as had been thought. She was covered in soot. A pitiful meow arose when she was bathed and it took three or four baths to get the soot off of her.
They couldn't keep her as their own cats would attack it and besides that they were going into Winnipeg to see their daughter so they needed someone to look after this little kitten.
Here is where we come into the picture. Christmas morning, we get a phone call asking us to look after a kitten as they couldn't leave it at home with the other cats. We said okay and along with the kitten came a litter box and food. She hid under our bed for the first three days only coming out to use the litter box or for something to eat. By the fourth day she was more secure with her surroundings and was coming out from under the bed more and more. By this time, Ron's brother had come back from Winnipeg. We received a phone call asking if we could keep the cat permanently. They would even pay for to get her spayed. I guess we fell for it.
One look at the kitten and she looked at us and we fell in love. Of course we said okay. It wasn't until later would we know how much this cat was going to cost us.
Her immune system was effected and she developed illnesses that we had to take drastic measures with it. Normally cats don't have a lot of trouble with their ears with mites but she has a constant battle with them. A bad strain of mites infected her ears and to get rid of them, the Vet bathed her once a week for four weeks in a solution of some kind. She hated it, but it did get rid of them. She then developed severe gingivitis and for awhile it was held at bay with a steroid solution. Four years later, we finally had to get all of her teeth out.
Did it help? Sure did, from a bit of fur and fluff she is now well and full of energy. However, she now had diabetes and get two shots a day of insulin. What does she give us in return? A welcome home everytime we go out. Lots of love and companionship.
Would we do it all again for her? Yes we would. She is our baby, our four legged furry friend and baby.
Because we got her at Christmas, she is named that. But we call her Chrissy, and the name suits her.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Angry Skies
I couldn't resist taking these pictures of a storm that occured over Elgin. Some of the shapes of the clouds, the colours and the serverity were fasinating to me.
This cloud formation was unique to me, It reminded me of the landsides that I saw when I was travelling in the Rockies. This one was a vicious little storm.
Another storm overhead. these clouds were rolling, angry looking and moving fast.
Ron and I just happened to be passing Elie when the F5 tornado hit the area. We missed it by minutes. The hail got the us and the wind, but not the tornado.
This was a weird one, it passed Elgin just south east of the village. The sky was the weird colour that you see in the picture. A once in a lifetime siting.
I stood on my doorstep and watched this storm pass by us by about half a mile. It apparently did a lot of damage to surrounding fields of grain.
Watching the skies is facinating. It changes from minute to minute and hour by hour. It can be clear of clouds one time and full of angry clouds in the next few minutes.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Performing Weddings in Manitoba Con't
14. Marriage licences have increased to $100.00. Marriage commissioners set their own fees for services. I charge $100.00 base fee within a 50 miles radius of Elgin Manitoba. This rate includes my travel, a copy of the ceremony the couple have chose, music if they wish and the ceremony. I also include the use of my ceremony library for no extra fees. Anyone can rent the library and I will accept a reasonable donation for its use. If anyone would like me to travel over the distance, I have set out then we can negotiate on the amount. The basic fee will be $100.00 plus other items, such as a place to sleep, perhaps meals and an amount for my services.
15. Couples often renew their vows on an anniversary. Some couples reaffirm their vows after going through hard times and others just to reaffirm what they had originally said to each other. A ceremony can be chosen to reaffirm the bows after an elopement has taken place, or a second wedding. This way family and friends get to hear what you have promised each other and a chance for everyone to celebrate your wedding or reaffirmation. Plan your ceremony any way you wish, there are no specific rules to host a renewal. The event can be large of small, inside or outside.
16. You must have at least two credible witnesses as they will have to affix their names as witnesses to the Marriage Registration form. These witnesses can be from age 16 and over as the witnesses need not be of legal age.
17. If there is a rehearsal then there will be an extra fee, depending on circumstances.
18. I will not marry a couple if they have had anything to drink, please keep that in mind at all times on the day of the wedding before the ceremony.
19. If an interpreter is to be used at the ceremony, a notation must be made on the Registration of Marriage. The notation must state: Translated into the language which is the language understood” and the interpreter must sign the notation.
20. If the wedding is cancelled after contracting for me to perform the ceremony, then the basic fee of $100.00 still stands, but all other fees are dropped.
21. One last thing, if a common –law couple has registered their relationship with the Vital Statistics Agency neither party can be married or be a party to another common – law relationship that is currently registered in Manitoba that has not been dissolved. A certificate of dissolution of the relationship is needed if the couple parts and wants to marry.
15. Couples often renew their vows on an anniversary. Some couples reaffirm their vows after going through hard times and others just to reaffirm what they had originally said to each other. A ceremony can be chosen to reaffirm the bows after an elopement has taken place, or a second wedding. This way family and friends get to hear what you have promised each other and a chance for everyone to celebrate your wedding or reaffirmation. Plan your ceremony any way you wish, there are no specific rules to host a renewal. The event can be large of small, inside or outside.
16. You must have at least two credible witnesses as they will have to affix their names as witnesses to the Marriage Registration form. These witnesses can be from age 16 and over as the witnesses need not be of legal age.
17. If there is a rehearsal then there will be an extra fee, depending on circumstances.
18. I will not marry a couple if they have had anything to drink, please keep that in mind at all times on the day of the wedding before the ceremony.
19. If an interpreter is to be used at the ceremony, a notation must be made on the Registration of Marriage. The notation must state: Translated into the language which is the language understood” and the interpreter must sign the notation.
20. If the wedding is cancelled after contracting for me to perform the ceremony, then the basic fee of $100.00 still stands, but all other fees are dropped.
21. One last thing, if a common –law couple has registered their relationship with the Vital Statistics Agency neither party can be married or be a party to another common – law relationship that is currently registered in Manitoba that has not been dissolved. A certificate of dissolution of the relationship is needed if the couple parts and wants to marry.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Getting Married by a Marriage Commissioner
I have been a marriage Commissioner now for 12 (twelve) years and I love doing it. It gives me great satisfaction to marry couples.
I will be performing a wedding this coming Sunday and have just finished designing the couples wedding ceremony.
As with all weddings I perform I always get the couples thoughts for their ceremony even if it is one that I have designed myself. I welcome their ideas and words that they want in the ceremony. After all it is their wedding. I know there are lots of wedding websites online concerning weddings here in Manitoba. You can find more information and forms on the Vital Statistic site,
Here are some of the things I require before I can marry someone.
I will be performing a wedding this coming Sunday and have just finished designing the couples wedding ceremony.
As with all weddings I perform I always get the couples thoughts for their ceremony even if it is one that I have designed myself. I welcome their ideas and words that they want in the ceremony. After all it is their wedding. I know there are lots of wedding websites online concerning weddings here in Manitoba. You can find more information and forms on the Vital Statistic site,
Here are some of the things I require before I can marry someone.
- The first thing is the marriage licence and to find out where you can get one go to vital statistics of the Manitoba Department of Vital Statistics. There you will find a list of all of the places you can get your licence in the Province of Manitoba and including Winnipeg. There you will also find a list of marriage commissioners in Winnipeg and the Province of Manitoba. Who can apply? Any person who wishes to be married and there is a fee for this.
- So you want to get Married in Manitoba? Here are a few things to know. Couples must be 18 years or age or older and never married. To be eligible to be married, couples must have a legally divorced document or a spouses death certificate if you have been married before.
- Before your Wedding date you must, buy the marriage licence from a registered user within a minumun of 24 hours before the ceremony begins. Also in this respect, the marriage licence must also be used within three months of the date of issue. Both the bride and groom together, must be present with identification to get the licence along with proof of age and eligibility to be married.
- Eligibility to be married; single and 18 years of age and over; divorced people are required to show either a divorce certificate or a decree absolute. Persons whose spouces are deceased must show a death certificate, funeral home certificate or an obituary. Check with me for other documentation for identification or check the information on the website.
- Concents are required from the marriage licence issuer when either or both of the bride and groom are 16 years of age but not yet 18. If either of the couple are under 16 then a Judge of the Family Court must give the consent to the marriage.
- Make you arrangements for the ceremony with me and give me the licence and the envelope to me before the ceremony so I can check it out before I marry you along with any necessary documents that may be needed. I require in most cases copies of birth certificates, divorce papers, death certificates or any other document that might be pertinent such as a consent forms for underage marriages.
- You can have a special relative or friend marry you but to let that happen, a registered Marriage Commissioner must be in attendance to complete the ceremony and to have the necessary documents signed and witnessed.
- Somewhere within the wedding ceremony I am required to make a statement that includes the information that is required by the Province of Manitoba.
- Children can be included in your service but they should be of an age where they can understand what is happening. Including their names as part of the ceremony gives the children a sense of being included whether they participate or not. If they do not want to physically participate then give them a duty they would feel comfortable in doing.
- After the ceremony along with the witnesses you will sign the Marriage Registration. Then I will sign the Registration acknowledging that I have married you. I will then send in the Marriage Registration for you to officially register your marriage. Vital Statistic does not automatically islsue a Marriage Certificate so you will have to apply for your own Marriage Certificate.
- At present Marriage Licences have increased to $100.00. Marriage Commissioners set their own fees for services. I charge $100.00 a day within a 50 mile radius of Elgin Manitoba. That includes my travel, a copy of the ceremony the couple have chosen, music and the ceremony. I also include the use of my ceremony library for the couple that I am marrying. Anyone can use the library of ceremonies that I have as I rent it out and will accept a reasonable donation for this. If anyone is over the distance I have set out then we can negotiate on the amount. The basic fee will be $100.00 plus other items, such as a place to sleep, perhaps meals and an amount for my services. I don't charge a mileage fee.
- Couples often renew their vows on an anniversary. Some couples reaffirm their vows after going through hard times and others just to reaffirm what they had originally said to each other. A ceremony can be chosen to reaffirm the vows after an elopment has taken place. This way family and friends get to hear what you have promised each other and a chance for everyone to celebrate your wedding or reaffirmation. Plan your ceremony any way you wish, there are no specific rules to host a renewal. The event can be large or small.
- You must have at least two credible witnesses as they will have to affix their names as witnesses to the Marriage registration form. Witnesses can be from age 16 years of age and over.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Another Robert Ludlum book
This book made the movie scene and although I never saw the movie, one can expect it to be as fast paced and nail gripping as the novel.
Robert Ludlum brings this best seller to us as "The Ambler Warning", and I know that if you like how he writes, you are going to enjoy this book.
Hal Ambler escapes from a phychiatric facility only to find he doesn't exist. Who and what has done this to him and why has it happened?
Read this fast paced novel to find out how it turns out. The psychriatric facility is for former intelligence employees in possessions of highly classified material. Ambler sets out to find out what he was involved with and why he was put into the facility. Someone now wants to see him dead. Why????
ISBN 0-312-99069-3
St. Martins paperback books in NY.
Robert Ludlum brings this best seller to us as "The Ambler Warning", and I know that if you like how he writes, you are going to enjoy this book.
Hal Ambler escapes from a phychiatric facility only to find he doesn't exist. Who and what has done this to him and why has it happened?
Read this fast paced novel to find out how it turns out. The psychriatric facility is for former intelligence employees in possessions of highly classified material. Ambler sets out to find out what he was involved with and why he was put into the facility. Someone now wants to see him dead. Why????
ISBN 0-312-99069-3
St. Martins paperback books in NY.
The Hades Factor - Covert One
Robert Ludlum and Gayle Lynds team together to bring you this thriller. It's the first of a new series called Covert One and it's called "The Hades Factor".
We're told he's the master of suspense and global intrigue and when you have finished reading this book, you'll know why. Not only that, you will understand why you'll want to get the next novel in the series.
A virus had been set loose and not by itself. Lt. Colonel Johnathan Smith assembles a team to fight the deadly man made virus that has killed his fiance, Dr. Sophia Russell. Find out all the fast paced details in this thrilling book.
ISBN 0-312-97305-5 Published by St. Martins Griffin Paperback edition Mar 2001
We're told he's the master of suspense and global intrigue and when you have finished reading this book, you'll know why. Not only that, you will understand why you'll want to get the next novel in the series.
A virus had been set loose and not by itself. Lt. Colonel Johnathan Smith assembles a team to fight the deadly man made virus that has killed his fiance, Dr. Sophia Russell. Find out all the fast paced details in this thrilling book.
ISBN 0-312-97305-5 Published by St. Martins Griffin Paperback edition Mar 2001
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Bone Collector
I told you, I read lots of books and some of them I have to read until I am finished them. The Bone Collector is one. I have never gone to see the film but after reading the book, I just have to do so.
The book is by Jeffery Deaver and is a Signet Book. ISBN 0 - 451-18845-4
The story begins with a gruesome murder of which Lincolm Rhyme and Detective Amelia Sacks join ranks to find the killer. In a couple of spell bound days the killer leads them on a trail of murder and torture. As the story weaves onward it tells of the victims saved of those that were lost. Their investigative skills are homed to a high level as they decipher the clues left behind by the killer.
It's only when Rhymes puts the final clue together does he learn who the killer is. Read the stunning conclusion of the book as it comes to a close. There is only one way for it to end, and how it ends is for your reading pleasure.
I spent my day, house cleaning and preparing a wedding ceremony for an upcoming wedding that I will be performing in Winnipeg. I always make the wedding ceremony into a fancy booklet of sorts as a memorial keepsake of their day and give it to them when the ceremony is over. I have quite a few ceremonies on hand that a person can pick and choose from, whether it is the whole sermon or only parts of each one.
I also keep a CD of wedding music on hand for those that wish to have music.
Night for now, sweet dreams.
The book is by Jeffery Deaver and is a Signet Book. ISBN 0 - 451-18845-4
The story begins with a gruesome murder of which Lincolm Rhyme and Detective Amelia Sacks join ranks to find the killer. In a couple of spell bound days the killer leads them on a trail of murder and torture. As the story weaves onward it tells of the victims saved of those that were lost. Their investigative skills are homed to a high level as they decipher the clues left behind by the killer.
It's only when Rhymes puts the final clue together does he learn who the killer is. Read the stunning conclusion of the book as it comes to a close. There is only one way for it to end, and how it ends is for your reading pleasure.
I spent my day, house cleaning and preparing a wedding ceremony for an upcoming wedding that I will be performing in Winnipeg. I always make the wedding ceremony into a fancy booklet of sorts as a memorial keepsake of their day and give it to them when the ceremony is over. I have quite a few ceremonies on hand that a person can pick and choose from, whether it is the whole sermon or only parts of each one.
I also keep a CD of wedding music on hand for those that wish to have music.
Night for now, sweet dreams.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Book Worm
I litterly devour books and I mean I devour books. I love books, at least most books, I do have those that I like and those that I really don't like. I can read a book in two or three days, depending on how involved with the story I get. One book that I really didn't mind reading was
"One Last Breath" by Stephen Booth.
The twists and turns within the book leave one with one thought, I need to turn the next page to find out what has happened. I cannot lay this book down just yet.
The story of murder and intrigue. Mansell Quinn is sent to prison for the death of his mistress leads to the unexpected closure of the story. Detective Constable Ben Cooper has to piece together all of the facts and clues together to come to a sizzling conclusion to find out whether Mansell is guilty or innocent.
Stephen Book was born in the Lancashire mill town of Burnley, and has remained rooted to the Pennines during his careet as a newspaper journalist. Other books he has written are Dancing with the Virgins, Black Dog, Scared to Live, The Dead Place, Blind to the Bones, Blood on the Tongue and this fifth book One Last Breath is the series featuring Derbyshire detectives Ben Cooper and Diane Fry.
A must to read.
This was first published in Great Britain by Harper Collins Publishers 2004. it was printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St. Ives plc. At the time this book was published it $10.99. I imagine it is more now. ISBN 978-0-00-717204-7
Now on to the next book.
"One Last Breath" by Stephen Booth.
The twists and turns within the book leave one with one thought, I need to turn the next page to find out what has happened. I cannot lay this book down just yet.
The story of murder and intrigue. Mansell Quinn is sent to prison for the death of his mistress leads to the unexpected closure of the story. Detective Constable Ben Cooper has to piece together all of the facts and clues together to come to a sizzling conclusion to find out whether Mansell is guilty or innocent.
Stephen Book was born in the Lancashire mill town of Burnley, and has remained rooted to the Pennines during his careet as a newspaper journalist. Other books he has written are Dancing with the Virgins, Black Dog, Scared to Live, The Dead Place, Blind to the Bones, Blood on the Tongue and this fifth book One Last Breath is the series featuring Derbyshire detectives Ben Cooper and Diane Fry.
A must to read.
This was first published in Great Britain by Harper Collins Publishers 2004. it was printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St. Ives plc. At the time this book was published it $10.99. I imagine it is more now. ISBN 978-0-00-717204-7
Now on to the next book.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Crafty Crafts
I am not a crafty person. I leave craft making up to other people. I did, however, come across this craft item, that was very applealing to me.
Cut the empty plastic bags in an extended circular strip about 1 inch wide.
Put the wrapper over a milk carton as it will make the cutting easier. This extended strip is your crochet material. When it is necessary to add another strip, tie the two ends together with a square knot and crochet in the ends of both sides of the knot. Start at the bottom of the bag and chain 6 stitches. Join with a slip stitch.
ROW 1: 1 double crochet in ring – 6 chain. Repeat 6 times.
ROW 2: Slip stitch in double crochet stitch of preceding row – chain 6, slip stitch in 3rd stitch of chain in previous row.
ROW 3: Crochet 6, slip stitch in every 3rd chain stitch of previous row. Repeat rows 2 and 3 until piece is desired width. Repeat row 3 until piece is 12 inches long.
TOP BORDER: Double crochet in every other stitch for 2 rows. This will decrease the size of the top.
HANDLES; Use 2 jar rubbers. Double crochet around, with stitches close enough to conceal the rubber. Attach to bag with double crochet. Make another handle and attach in same manner to opposite side of the bag. I am not sure how many bags this takes, I never asked how many. But with the never ending supply of bags I guess a person may never run out.
Yes I did attempt to make this but my non crafty fingers soon desisted. I had someone else do it for me and the resulting bag is unique, useful and very crafy. I know I should have taken a picture of it, but you know the saying of hindsight being better than forsight.
It is a really neat idea in making use of all of those plastic shopping bags that usually wind up in the garbage.
Do any of you have a neat crafty idea? Tell us about it on here.
Yup I kept it short this time, I hurt my back awhile back and can't seem to sit at the computer as much as I used to. Darn it all!!!!
Cut the empty plastic bags in an extended circular strip about 1 inch wide.
Put the wrapper over a milk carton as it will make the cutting easier. This extended strip is your crochet material. When it is necessary to add another strip, tie the two ends together with a square knot and crochet in the ends of both sides of the knot. Start at the bottom of the bag and chain 6 stitches. Join with a slip stitch.
ROW 1: 1 double crochet in ring – 6 chain. Repeat 6 times.
ROW 2: Slip stitch in double crochet stitch of preceding row – chain 6, slip stitch in 3rd stitch of chain in previous row.
ROW 3: Crochet 6, slip stitch in every 3rd chain stitch of previous row. Repeat rows 2 and 3 until piece is desired width. Repeat row 3 until piece is 12 inches long.
TOP BORDER: Double crochet in every other stitch for 2 rows. This will decrease the size of the top.
HANDLES; Use 2 jar rubbers. Double crochet around, with stitches close enough to conceal the rubber. Attach to bag with double crochet. Make another handle and attach in same manner to opposite side of the bag. I am not sure how many bags this takes, I never asked how many. But with the never ending supply of bags I guess a person may never run out.
Yes I did attempt to make this but my non crafty fingers soon desisted. I had someone else do it for me and the resulting bag is unique, useful and very crafy. I know I should have taken a picture of it, but you know the saying of hindsight being better than forsight.
It is a really neat idea in making use of all of those plastic shopping bags that usually wind up in the garbage.
Do any of you have a neat crafty idea? Tell us about it on here.
Yup I kept it short this time, I hurt my back awhile back and can't seem to sit at the computer as much as I used to. Darn it all!!!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
To me friendships are precious. There have not been very many close friends over the years. I have lots of casual friends in our life but very few close ones.
While I was staying at the YWCA in Winnipeg I met a Jewish girl that think of from time to time to this day. She was something special. The next friend I can think of was Faye Gerdis. She has remarried but I have forgotten her married name. I would really like to get in touch with her to see how she is doing. I have lost touch with her ex and the three girls. Faye if you ever read this, please contact me. My phone number is still the same.
I think next of Judy MacIntosh, an ex co-worker. She encouraged me in my poetry and helping me gain confidence in myself. For that alone she was special to me. I do know where she is living now but we have separated and are not in touch any more. Judy, your still special to me.
Next I think of Barb Paton, an ex board member of the Village of Elgin. Barb and I and one other female were the first all women board members for the Village of Elgin and is recorded in the history of Elgin. Barb is special because her and I practically thought alike, an unusual thing in two people.
Above all, there is one special friend who has been a friend for 40 some years. Her husband is also a friend, but Nan I have known more than her ex. She has cheered us in our low spots, cheered us for the things we have achieved, stood by us through thick and thin. Ron and I have also stood by her through thick and thin times. To day both her ex and Nan are still fast friends. Her family is like a second family to us and vice versa. Their accomplishments we cheer for them and support them through thier rough times. Other friends we still have contact with and have known for 40 some years are still in touch with us.
I have also made friends with one of my neighbours. She's loveable and a riot. She is sensible and tells me like it is. That I treasure most in a friend ship.
To many other friends made through out the years, I think of from time to time and still wish all the best for them.
While I was staying at the YWCA in Winnipeg I met a Jewish girl that think of from time to time to this day. She was something special. The next friend I can think of was Faye Gerdis. She has remarried but I have forgotten her married name. I would really like to get in touch with her to see how she is doing. I have lost touch with her ex and the three girls. Faye if you ever read this, please contact me. My phone number is still the same.
I think next of Judy MacIntosh, an ex co-worker. She encouraged me in my poetry and helping me gain confidence in myself. For that alone she was special to me. I do know where she is living now but we have separated and are not in touch any more. Judy, your still special to me.
Next I think of Barb Paton, an ex board member of the Village of Elgin. Barb and I and one other female were the first all women board members for the Village of Elgin and is recorded in the history of Elgin. Barb is special because her and I practically thought alike, an unusual thing in two people.
Above all, there is one special friend who has been a friend for 40 some years. Her husband is also a friend, but Nan I have known more than her ex. She has cheered us in our low spots, cheered us for the things we have achieved, stood by us through thick and thin. Ron and I have also stood by her through thick and thin times. To day both her ex and Nan are still fast friends. Her family is like a second family to us and vice versa. Their accomplishments we cheer for them and support them through thier rough times. Other friends we still have contact with and have known for 40 some years are still in touch with us.
I have also made friends with one of my neighbours. She's loveable and a riot. She is sensible and tells me like it is. That I treasure most in a friend ship.
To many other friends made through out the years, I think of from time to time and still wish all the best for them.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Starting My Day
January 8, 2010
I just started my day with Canada Post. I spent an hour on line trying to get some information and I gave up and sent them a note. Some companies seem to have too much on their web sites. I find Canada Post one, it's like a maze, you can get lost in there.
I wanted to let you know today, that I am still with ebay, but my store has another name. I now call it Cecile's used Items. Over the years we have accumulated so much stuff that I have boxes pilled on one another, upstairs and downstairs. I just might one of these days have an auction sale just to get rid of it.
I must admit I do collect a lot of stuff though. I have quite a few star trek stuff along with all of my lapel pins which there is mega amount of them. I got rid of my business card collection but it looks like its accumulating once again. I sold some of the magnet that I have, but there is still quite a few here yet. Thats not talking about the pen and pencil collection Ron has, nor his key chain or hats. I also have quite a few Canadian stamps and don't forget the tokens, coins, bills and such that we have. Far too much stuff. Need to get rid of it. I have made catalogues for some of it so that anyone can see what is available.
Enough for this morning. Cec
I just started my day with Canada Post. I spent an hour on line trying to get some information and I gave up and sent them a note. Some companies seem to have too much on their web sites. I find Canada Post one, it's like a maze, you can get lost in there.
I wanted to let you know today, that I am still with ebay, but my store has another name. I now call it Cecile's used Items. Over the years we have accumulated so much stuff that I have boxes pilled on one another, upstairs and downstairs. I just might one of these days have an auction sale just to get rid of it.
I must admit I do collect a lot of stuff though. I have quite a few star trek stuff along with all of my lapel pins which there is mega amount of them. I got rid of my business card collection but it looks like its accumulating once again. I sold some of the magnet that I have, but there is still quite a few here yet. Thats not talking about the pen and pencil collection Ron has, nor his key chain or hats. I also have quite a few Canadian stamps and don't forget the tokens, coins, bills and such that we have. Far too much stuff. Need to get rid of it. I have made catalogues for some of it so that anyone can see what is available.
- Cards and postcards
- Stamp catalogue 1
- Stamp catalogue 2
- Envelopes and stamps
- Earring catalogue
- Souvenier spoons
- Wade Figurines
- Money and Token 2
- Money and Token 1
- Older cookbook catalogue
- Wood and plastic tokens
- Bank notes and more
- Vintage and such 1
- Vintage and such 2
- Calendars
- Artists prints on Calendars.
Enough for this morning. Cec
Monday, January 4, 2010
Elgin and Area Lions Club
I have to tell you about the wonderful world of Lions International. The club that is here in Elgin is called Elgin and Area Lions. I have been a member now for over 10 years. I have been secretary, vice president and President. Been on some of the committees and one major one. That being, the 25th Anniversary of the Elgin and Area Lions. As chair I must say that it was a very positive and successful evening. Games, prizes and awards were given out to everyone. Check out the international website, and see all of the cool things that we do. You can also link to for information as well as you can go to and you can find our club listed there. I do try to keep it updated but find it hard to do at time. Currently, I am Zone 9 chair and this is my second term.
What does our club do? In the past years we have helped a number of people with their medical costs within and without our area. Supplied help for those that needed equipment. Donated equipment to the ambulance and hospital. Donated funds to services in the community that have asked for help.
We also donate to charities such as CNIB, Cancer, Diabetis, Hearing, seeing and service dogs. Donated money to fire victims. Raised funds for children when one of the parents have died due to an accident.
Where do we get out money? From a number of areas. Our major source is in the Recycling area. This club is involved with the recycling in Elgin and that includes, everyday items that can be recycled and vehicle batteries. Although we don't raise any money with recycling eyeglasses and hearing aids, we also collect them and send them on to the collection depot that is available for us.
Other fund raising we do are pancake breakfasts, barbecue on May long weekend during the town wide yard sale, raise funds working with Sobey's selling hotdogs, selling tickets, food or item baskets, and many other ideas.
The club meets every third Wednesday of every month except for June, July and August unless the members choose to do otherwise. We meet at The West Elgin Mall in Penny's Place at 7:30 pm. We have fun at each meeting and our President keeps the meetings on track. After the meeting we have lunch and chit chat or hurry on home for some reason or the other. Usually we are over our meetings by 9:00 or earlier. Anyone is welcome to come to a meeting.
Currently there are 14 members and for this small community we consider this a miracle in itself. We don't expect a member to make every meeting for in a farming community, it could be impossible to do so. Come when you can and for those meetings you miss? Well we will mark you present at a meeting if you help out with a project or attend another club or zone meeting or any other function contected to the Lions.
We offer training for any office or committee that is held. Training is not just for new members, as anyone can learn SOMETHING from any training at any time.
Zone meetings are not just for the club officers. These meetings are also for all club members. By attending a zone meeting, you get to meet other clubs in our zone and exchange ideas and help from members who have been where you are now. Don't stop there, the Midwinter Convention, usually in February, is another convention that need not be missed. It is another area where you can meet other members from across the district and learn about what is happening in the world of Lionisim.
Whew!! I guess I should stop there, I think that is enough blowing my steam off about Lions. I can't help it, it is a great organization to belong to.
For now, Cec
What does our club do? In the past years we have helped a number of people with their medical costs within and without our area. Supplied help for those that needed equipment. Donated equipment to the ambulance and hospital. Donated funds to services in the community that have asked for help.
We also donate to charities such as CNIB, Cancer, Diabetis, Hearing, seeing and service dogs. Donated money to fire victims. Raised funds for children when one of the parents have died due to an accident.
Where do we get out money? From a number of areas. Our major source is in the Recycling area. This club is involved with the recycling in Elgin and that includes, everyday items that can be recycled and vehicle batteries. Although we don't raise any money with recycling eyeglasses and hearing aids, we also collect them and send them on to the collection depot that is available for us.
Other fund raising we do are pancake breakfasts, barbecue on May long weekend during the town wide yard sale, raise funds working with Sobey's selling hotdogs, selling tickets, food or item baskets, and many other ideas.
The club meets every third Wednesday of every month except for June, July and August unless the members choose to do otherwise. We meet at The West Elgin Mall in Penny's Place at 7:30 pm. We have fun at each meeting and our President keeps the meetings on track. After the meeting we have lunch and chit chat or hurry on home for some reason or the other. Usually we are over our meetings by 9:00 or earlier. Anyone is welcome to come to a meeting.
Currently there are 14 members and for this small community we consider this a miracle in itself. We don't expect a member to make every meeting for in a farming community, it could be impossible to do so. Come when you can and for those meetings you miss? Well we will mark you present at a meeting if you help out with a project or attend another club or zone meeting or any other function contected to the Lions.
We offer training for any office or committee that is held. Training is not just for new members, as anyone can learn SOMETHING from any training at any time.
Zone meetings are not just for the club officers. These meetings are also for all club members. By attending a zone meeting, you get to meet other clubs in our zone and exchange ideas and help from members who have been where you are now. Don't stop there, the Midwinter Convention, usually in February, is another convention that need not be missed. It is another area where you can meet other members from across the district and learn about what is happening in the world of Lionisim.
Whew!! I guess I should stop there, I think that is enough blowing my steam off about Lions. I can't help it, it is a great organization to belong to.
For now, Cec
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Years 2010
I survived another year. Here it is 2010 and we are still around. That is a major accomplishment I think. This time I want to tell you about what is formally known as Toastmistress. It is now called and it's one of the best things that I joined.
Here within the club I learned lots of things and the main one was confidence, a badly needed item. Among this organization there are a number of things to learn. I learned to speak at any event from accepting a gift or reward to giving a gift to someone. Public speaking was also on the agenda along with lexicology, learning to give short educations, workshops, learning how to become an officer of a club, parliamentary procedures and much much more.
I first joined a group called Kinrossie Toastmistress and that club folded went on to join Urbanacres Communicators. During all this time and in both clubs, I held the office of President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair, and numerous committee chair positions such as writing contest, speaking contest, PR to name a few. On council level I held every office on Council 5 and when that folded, I held positions on Council 8. I also was committee chair for the writing contest for Region.
So if you need to know about Parliamentary procedures, I will be glad to help you on that matter, along with any other topic I write about. Just ask me!!!!!
Sometime during my membership, the name of the organization changed from Toastmistress to International Training in Communication and now it is called You won't find my club there anymore as Urbanacres Communicators is no longer a member of that organization. We now call ourselves 'Speakers Corner' and we now meet in Brandon at Canad Inn and usually on the third Thursday of each month.
My company is coming so I best get the turkey and the rest of the meal finished.
The best to all of my friends and family for 2010.
Here within the club I learned lots of things and the main one was confidence, a badly needed item. Among this organization there are a number of things to learn. I learned to speak at any event from accepting a gift or reward to giving a gift to someone. Public speaking was also on the agenda along with lexicology, learning to give short educations, workshops, learning how to become an officer of a club, parliamentary procedures and much much more.
I first joined a group called Kinrossie Toastmistress and that club folded went on to join Urbanacres Communicators. During all this time and in both clubs, I held the office of President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair, and numerous committee chair positions such as writing contest, speaking contest, PR to name a few. On council level I held every office on Council 5 and when that folded, I held positions on Council 8. I also was committee chair for the writing contest for Region.
So if you need to know about Parliamentary procedures, I will be glad to help you on that matter, along with any other topic I write about. Just ask me!!!!!
Sometime during my membership, the name of the organization changed from Toastmistress to International Training in Communication and now it is called You won't find my club there anymore as Urbanacres Communicators is no longer a member of that organization. We now call ourselves 'Speakers Corner' and we now meet in Brandon at Canad Inn and usually on the third Thursday of each month.
My company is coming so I best get the turkey and the rest of the meal finished.
The best to all of my friends and family for 2010.
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