I couldn't resist taking these pictures of a storm that occured over Elgin. Some of the shapes of the clouds, the colours and the serverity were fasinating to me.
This cloud formation was unique to me, It reminded me of the landsides that I saw when I was travelling in the Rockies. This one was a vicious little storm.
Another storm overhead. these clouds were rolling, angry looking and moving fast.
Ron and I just happened to be passing Elie when the F5 tornado hit the area. We missed it by minutes. The hail got the us and the wind, but not the tornado.
This was a weird one, it passed Elgin just south east of the village. The sky was the weird colour that you see in the picture. A once in a lifetime siting.
I stood on my doorstep and watched this storm pass by us by about half a mile. It apparently did a lot of damage to surrounding fields of grain.
Watching the skies is facinating. It changes from minute to minute and hour by hour. It can be clear of clouds one time and full of angry clouds in the next few minutes.
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