Wednesday, December 13, 2017

My Ghost Story from 1958



            It was a foggy fall evening. I don’t remember the date or even what the month was that it happened in. The fog rolled and swayed and danced except for a small area where the yard light glowed emitting a clear small area surrounding it.

            I was sitting on my bed looking out the window at times as I read my book. It was evening as I mentioned, chores had been completed, supper was over, dishes washed and everything put away. Milking was finished, separator cleaned and readied for the next morning.

Homework still needed to be done, but a few minutes were taken to relax. I loved to read, still do in fact, and my mother noticing that and had given me permission to order books from the Provincial Library and I indulged myself to my hearts content with books from there. I glanced up from time to time to look at the view outside my window and became enthralled with what I saw walking in the yard.

From out of the fog, beneath the yard light a man appeared. The fog had melted away from around him as he walked. It was what he was wearing that I became fascinated with and intrigued me. Who was he? His line of traveling was directly towards the corner of the house. Everything was perfectly clear about him, except his face, I could not make out who he was. Was he coming to visit?

As he passed from my site I set my book down and went to the kitchen where my mother and the rest of my siblings were. I would have thought he would have been knocking on our door by now. I scuttled across the kitchen floor to the west window where I peered out to see if I could see who was walking around in the fog at this time of the day. I couldn’t see anyone outside the window.

Mother asked me what I was doing so I told her what I saw and asked her why she hadn’t answered the door. My mother asked me what the matter was as I was looking at the door and I guess I had a funny look on my face. I told her about the man that I had seen. Her reaction surprised me as she ordered we children to stay in doors don’t answer the door and stay away from the windows. It wasn’t until years later that I had a glimpse of why she reacted the way she did as I had often wondered why she did react that way. She never had before.

Swiftly she put on her coat and left the house taking something with her, (I don’t remember now what it was she took with her). A few minutes later she came back into the house and asked if I was sure I saw someone. “Yes” I replied, he was coming towards the house, it looked almost as if he was going to towards the corner of the house. Mother told me there was no one out there, but she locked down the house anyway until Dad came home. Eerie.

I went back to the bedroom and picked up my homework and tried to get involved with it, but my mind kept going back to the figure I had seem. He was an engineer, from his cap to his shoes. His hat and coveralls were stripped like engineers used to wear. He was carrying an old fashioned lantern in one hand and in the other his lunch box. The black metal shone when the yard light reflected on it. He had on black work boots that also shone as he walked. He strode with a stride that told me that he knew where he was going and needed to get there by such a time. Here I must explain that the railroad was a mile south of our farm and he was heading north so he wasn’t going to work, or was he?

He stood at an average height and I wondered if he knew I was watching him, as he glanced my way a few seconds and then continued on his way. He looked like he was either heading for the house or to just simply go past it.

It was when my mother came back into the house to tell us there was no one there when I realized I had seen a ghost from the past. He had just simply disappeared into the fog when he came close to the house.

Mother never did explain why she was so nervous that night.

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