Tuesday, May 14, 2019


It has been 8 and 1/2 years now and I still miss that old fart, yup, called him that while he was alive too. Although I miss him, I have for the first time, real freedom to do what I want. The freedom of not having to look after someone or something, except the property and at times, yes indeed, it does get lonely.

I do find, however, that the majority of my days are full and every days is passing faster than I care for. Since my health has taken a plunge, it seems to take forever for my health to recover and strange as it may seem, when one area goes haywire the rest of the body says "Hey let me join in. I feel left out". Right and I have no say in the matter it seems.

My last Dr. appointment kind of left me stunned. A possibility of colon cancer. He wants me to have another colon test. How many of those things does it take I wonder. Really though, they must get tired of looking at my bottom.

I was reading one of Erma Bombeck's books and it was absolutely hysterical, how I wish I could write like she does. It's a book worth reading as it brought back so many memories and I was able to link to most of what was wrote. That book I am sure I will read more than once.

Right now (aside from all those tests I am being put through,) I am going to concentrate on the yard sale coming up on May 18. Then I have to dig up the flower bed, it has sure been abused these last couple years with me being not able to care for it.

One of my grandkids was here recently it was such a comfort. they couldn't do enough for me. Such differences in each family unit. I now have six grandsons, (only two are able to carry on the McMurray line), one granddaughter, three great granddaughtes and two great grandsons. The only ones I have not seen except for a couple of pictures is from my granddaughter. Well time will tell, She keeps saying she is coming for a visit but no show as of yet. Regardless I still love them ALL, that will never change.