It's 2:15 am and I am still awake. It's so silly, last night I slept good, tonight I am not.
We were at our Lion's meeting tonight and it took longer than usual as there were elections tonight for the new officers and committee members. Looks like I am still Vice president and Ron is still President. I guess that's okay. Tonight the club members decided to help a family that lost everything they owned. I know the feeling. How? Well I can remember back when I was about 4, when our house burned to the ground and everything was lost. I suppose it didn't have the full impact as if it would happen now though. The club decided to give them a helping hand with some upfront money. Another chap needed help as he broke his leg and couldn't work, so he too got a bit from us.
The club is currently selling tickets on a BBQ pack. Tickets are $2.00 each. The tickets are going like wildfire, this is the third year we are selling them and they seem to be doing great. The Souris Lions are having their spring flea market in April and we will be having a table there to sell more tickets.
I was asked by the new District Governor to stay on as Zone Chair for our district and I said I would. However, I will be gaining 5 new clubs along with the three I currently have. This means I will be busier than usual. It's actually kind of fun, and it's really making me stretch my brain to come up with agendas for the three Zone meetings I need to hold. I do know I am going to try and keep it simple and short. All in the life of a Lion.
That's all for now, will write more another time. Take care.